15 - 27 April 2023 (trecena Kej). Daily Heartbeat, Intuitive Community • <3 Documentations herein compiled by Intuitive groups across this community network. These efforts are assisted, narrated, & commentated by Max M. E. Morris and the wise, brave help friends of our Intuitive Public Radio --- Intuitive.pub/radio Heartbeat entries often bear timestamps along with the public group where you can watch for associated notes and related material. Unsigned entries are contributed by and co-created with group members whose identities and physical safety we protect by ensuring accessible collective-voice public media sharing spaces. If you have questions, reach out to t.me/maxmorris for assistance. Previous heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20230223_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt This document originally published at intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20230415_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt. Reload this file today in days to come for newest entries. To read emergent miracle updates in web document format, visit docs.google.com/document/d/1PE85HlqQ40Pn5Ph6cuYqb0MvF1qnpJBzTdTRIjySMoc. t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/92 . Hello, 20230427-091922. What a sharp, sunny morning… A number of powerful conversations are occurring across this crucial Radio Pública Intuitiva and we are grateful for network resonance, network resilience. Yes, it's physical. It strengthens our bodies. So we keep doing it. In order to do what we're doing... we are being brave in a way that strikes new paths through unexplored territory. This morning I took steps through the front hill garden and discovered amidst avid violets the familiar tall spindly shoots that I had previously noticed growing. Previously, I had seen small projectiles spraying from these plants. But I had not tracked it well -- and now as I plucked dainties for my breakfast salad -- Viola fimbriatula, I think, this Northern downy violet and V. sagittata var. ovata -- what is this? -- violaceae, malpighiales -- many more projectiles were spontaneously propelled upward around my calves and knees. I tracked one with my eyes and picked it up, a tiny curled appendage! It isn't a leaf exactly. Maybe it's more like a plain curled flower petal -- pale, faintly yellow cream. It's so small, it's a challenge to hold it in my hand as I peer closely at it. Each time I take more steps through the front hill garden, these slender shoots are exploding in tiny fire-works of projectile blossoms. What are they? I don't know yet. I have never learned them, if I would remember. They seem very new to me. And we are in the midst of circumstance upon circumstance that feels entirely new to us. How do you meet your most particular challenges? intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/these-slender-shoots-are-exploding . Mown, mown Oh, my body wants to harvest. How can I do it? I am remembering now... how this has happened each year. It's time to mow. Some neighborhoods require abuse of the environment and -- if not enough of that -- then more abuse of one another to ensure continued abuses of the environment. It's a valuable experience and a good set of energy lessons for me. Even though I don't like it. We feel this tension, that it is time for harvest... here is our food to be gathered and honored... But an expectation has been leveled across our particular population. That mowing. You know... how it isn't only the one kind of mowing. You might have noticed how you and so many others... are being more-or-less regularly mown. The spectrum of pattern expectations and revisory aggressions each and every one of us finds ourselves embedded in is a normalized and usual form of mowing, coming back again and again. Are you about to be cut down? Have you lucked upon relationships with collective bodies that may facilitate your thriving? Will your strength be sufficient to harvest available nutrients... before those nutrients and living communities are wastefully destroyed? Oh, wise dandelions. Oh, intrepid violets. Delicious shotweed -- brazen, enterprising! We'd mow in the gentlest most supportive ways, if not for the ways we're mown -- and elicited to mow. "Forced to mow to avoid worser mowing" is a problematic precedent for certain; a source of violence in so many different forms. Can we be immune to this provocation? We would do better together in my body, I think, than we can do by making mower-mulch; increase body strength; care for the home of the ecosystem; tend regenerative cycles. And to save ourselves the painful petrochemical vibration... How does a body collect the mulch and distribute it usefully, by the way? Couldn't I first manage to harvest more generous flower beings for healing salads and successful recovery? Plaintive questions. Today is the sunny day. Tomorrow, the rain. If I can get myself out there to sit in the grass with a bucket... The writ makes me braver. I'm going to try it. It's thirty-five minutes till eleven-fifteen... next steps require precision. Transmutation of this violence means interbeing attunements. How am I increasingly attuned, Interbeingness? Where do you and I think one of us leaves off and the other begins? (And... have we made an arbitrary determination?) I am attuning with dandelions, violets, and springcress. Gratitude from my whole body, from my whole self, and not only (oh, but appreciatively) from my fortuitous stomach. --27 April 2023 . Good morning, 20230501-093342. What feats we have achieved! And we are tuning to our feet. Blessings, kind and courageous feet. . Compiling ... . Compiling ... . Compiling ... . Next heartbeat will at: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20230428_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt More heartbeats: t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/3 —-docs.google.com/document/d/1PE85HlqQ40Pn5Ph6cuYqb0MvF1qnpJBzTdTRIjySMoc, t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat, t.me/MaxMoRadio, t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva