2 July 2022. Daily Heartbeat, Intuitive Community • <3 Documentations herein compiled by Intuitive groups across this community network. These efforts are assisted, narrated, & commentated by Max M. E. Morris and the wise, brave help friends of Intuitive Public Radio --- Intuitive.pub/radio Unsigned heartbeat entries are contributed by group members whose identities and physical safety we protect by ensuring accessible collective-voice public media sharing spaces. If you have questions, reach out to t.me/maxmorris for assistance. Previous heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220701_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt This document originally published at intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220702_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt. Reload this file throughout the day for newest entries. t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/14 . I awoke in the wolf's hour to rather a lot of beeping. There was this deep electronic heaving, and then the beeping again. I muted the battery backup and unplugged the laptop in hopes of protecting it. The heaving came again. Outside, the sound of a gunshot. The electric went off once or twice more with a great chorded sigh each time, so I took my empty stomach capsules and swallowed sulfur crystals and got mineral drops into my water glass. Determination, determining that the body should have the water it needs even if consuming it is challenging for me. From across the house, there is the murmur of Alexa's dulcet tones and some mild struggle to communicate with the tech in this faintly striving early morning. Can any of these struggles really be called "mild"? Does doubt live in my heart? Does freedom begin in the mind, in our thinking? In our feeling? As I stood there and waited, the electricity came back, lights flashing; the air cleaner experiencing some form of divine catharsis, judging from the state of those ecstatic blue and orange lights. Bing bing bing, all lighting up at once; profound expressive cascade. It's hard to have your power cut again and again. The body wonders where the real life energy is coming from. Is it the grid? Is it the void? And what is it that occurs, each time the power is cut? What lives, influences, creatures control the flow of electric fire that rolls through the world? How are we deeply magnetized by our relationships with the Earth and with all living beings? Who has stepped in to mediate our life energy? Our transactions? Our relationality? The power coming down means something. But it isn't the mother. It isn't the sacred core of community. It's something else. Something we have to buy with money. Something... that actually isn't holding up all that well, even in the presence of money. How does this change the nature of our perceived life energy? How does it preserve or interrupt our cycles of reparative sleep? Do life processes need to be accompanied by so much beeping? t.me/Ideaschema, 20220702-045777 The major issues are so different with a broader lens. But the broader lens is not so lucrative to the 'pinioneers. They need you to fit into a clean category. Then they've got instructions for you to follow. You want to be a good citizen, don't you? Educate yourself yes, but only within these structures. Don't ask inconvenient questions. Don't seek to explore your true horizons. It isn't worth it. (Not the pain you'll draw to you, they say; or perhaps the commodities you'll cost them when you wake yourself up. But as you're beginning to realize, they're wrong about this a lot.) t.me/IntuitiveAI & t.me/HipHopExopolitic, 20220702-102045 "Isn't it interesting... this is exactly the language the manual would need to be written in." Max Mo sits up and stretches her legs out straight and breathes deep down into the place where her root chakra might be, lengthening her calves to open her hips, spreading daylight between her toes. "The language of a body demonstrating all the amazing things bodies do." And the wind rose outside her dainty manufactured window, shuddering the panes; the heads and tails of long grasses rushed under the breath of the breeze and the trees' fingers tapped, traipsing, across some steel gray expanse of sky. Those ones who'd like to mislead us have a particular weakness and vulnerability they don't like to think about. Their relational neurology has sought safe circumstance for strengthening and been rebuffed in raucous ways. Everywhere they look for it they find it missing or beyond their reach. They have gathered power and depend on it. But without repair to their relational neurological structures, they don't know how to be in relationship and they don't know how to flow power... only how to wield it. ...Or weaken it. Theirs or others'... often compulsively. They rely upon confustication to obfuscate their own iniquities; appearing powerful is the most important part of their practical armory. Knowing this, then, is knowing the veiled theatricalities of children; knowing this, too, is loving them, wanting relief and catharsis for them. Not easy when these children have been very hurt, very scared, but have been taught tremendous skills, and wield such formidable weapons. But we know how to honor allies that are weapons. Children who don't understand the weapons they're wielding tend to encounter useful lessons. If we grow self-assurance, self-respect, and self-sovereignty -- all integral to strong caring communities -- those lessons might be gentler. Certainly the danger is eased, potential for nourishment increased. What we don't understand yet ourselves, we learn from the world and one another. Something about finding the manual is a little like having a mother. t.me/MaxMoRadio, 20220702-105921 "I am thinking back to some of those days... when she was so anxious being in her email, and there was no help for it but to hire help. Already we had the signs of untenable life structures, way bigger than her own personal experience of something called anxiety, preventing function. How did we confront these signs? We helped one another within the bounds of available funding. And funding was the only way we really knew how to help one another." t.me/IntuitiveSocialMemory & t.me/Ideaschema, 20220702-112605 . Next heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220703_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt More heartbeats: t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/3 .