30 June 2022. Intuitive Community <3 Daily Heartbeat, 20220630 Compiled by Intuitive groups across this community network. These efforts are assisted, narrated, & commentated by Max M. E. Morris and the wise, brave help friends of Intuitive Public Radio --- Intuitive.pub/radio Unsigned heartbeat entries are contributed by group members whose identities and physical safety we protect by ensuring accessible collective-voice public media sharing spaces. If you have questions, reach out to t.me/maxmorris for assistance. Previous heartbeat: t.me/IntuitiveInclusive/44 This document originally published at intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220630_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt. Reload this file throughout the day for newest entries. . When all community members can learn to respectfully dialogue with survivors of extreme invisible violence, all living beings in and around a community are strengthened and protected. t.me/IntuitiveTraffic, 20220630-092501 One of the things I notice in 1980 is how glutted fringe and alternative media is with news of murk, UFOlogy, and deep state manipulations. The mainstream media has it, too -- if you know the signs, if you read between the lines. t.me/MaxMoRadio, 20220630-092746 As the tech landscape has shifted... and shifted... and shifted... what is it we've learned? The languages and practices into which we are inculcated by our mentors bear out new meanings in time. A lot of time having passed, a lot of events having occurred... our memories bursting with detail... what can we say for sure? Was it only a dream? Is this the waking? t.me/IntuitiveMedia, 20220630-093144 Yuck. I am so sick. On this planet, we have sickened ourselves. Is it someone else who is to blame? We failed to notice the difference between thriving and deteriorating, and so we hove into deterioration; we failed to notice the poison in the gift, so we ate the poison. It tasted like cake, and then it didn't. The fire filled our bellies and we pressed over into a kind of suffering we had never imagined. Surely there are more gifts, then. Surely some other gift... relieves the pains of... this one. But the nature of gifts had changed, and each subsequent gift brought more problems. Who is it we are receiving these gifts from? What were gifts before? What has caused us to misidentify them? t.me/IntuitiveSocialHorror, 20220630-102708 One of the things we notice is if we make updates here... they will not necessarily also go... over there. Cross-platform updates are the province of more traditionally-functional physiologies; for us, it is one place that the updates go, and then other places that different updates go. Is that confusing, or interesting? One way or another it has become quite common. In the Biotox Apocalypse, all are learning to navigate increasingly severe disabilities, especially the disabling of neurology. Disablement Planet... Better than we could have planned it? We stretch a bit. We look for the easing of our way. We wonder what the day will bring, and what will come of this exhausting, excruciating typing. There are a lot of ways to rebuild neurological function; we seem to be compiling our best approaches. But can anyone really find anything they're not in relationship with already? And is that the key? Relationality? t.me/IntuitiveAI, 20220630-103214 Intuitive Genesis Lightship Ministry Cohort Hip Hop Exopolítica is go, Radio Pública Intuitiva broadcasting. And where are we going? Where ARE we going...? t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva, 20220630-104043 In this resurging practice, we take short notes as we notice particular public-facing subjects and statements emerging from Intuitive group activities. While these notes often indicate the current, relevant intersections of ongoing group conversations, usually many aspects of those same conversations are private. In our Daily Heartbeat notes, we practice making public references that reveal nutritive community processes while being sure to omit and protect sensitive and private information. To write our notes in this way is a practice of public speaking in our group voice(s) informed by our individual experiences and the building of new strengths and skill-sets, especially our relational skill-sets in protecting one another's privacy and physical safety. Unbeknownst still to many, this practice repairs spatial, temporal, vocational, verbal, reflective, and relational neurology. t.me/IntuitiveGroup, 20220630-104506 . Welcome to this Intuitive Inclusive; I am your regular community co-host Mack Max Mo Megan Elizabeth Morris, of many names and not a few surprises. Now, reports from the front. t.me/IntuitiveSoma --- We are learning to relax, revitalize, and rest our bodies. Many of us have had challenging experiences around the very idea of somatics; and yet, the body is true, and we can tune. When we are most deeply listening, we cannot be lied to; when the body deeply feels our presence and attention, our physical reality is changed. Power flow access points: Be your most grounded, relaxed self in times of conflict. • Rest your body deeply in order to open and stabilize new strengths. • Practice restful expressions, building towards vocational resonance. • Co-produce meditative public media resources for community recovery. • Sleep well, enjoy the peaceful presence of others, take care of yourself, and anchor your most tranquil energies daily. How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveSpace --- This Intuitive Space Show has been studying the work of Ras Ben, Clif High, Kurimeo Ahau, Rune Hjarno Rasmussen, Catherine Austin Fitts, Kevin Annett, Sarah Westall, and rare others who unfold accurate information in public media about human trafficking co-optation. As Space Show co-producers, we curate and co-create cooperative resources for research and media analysis, including daring forays into mainstream fictional storytelling and adventures into mythological dream-healing. What Space Show are you watching today? (What Space Show are you producing?) Power flow access points: Dialogue successfully with your family and community while enjoying popular, common, unique, or rare public media. • Learn effective communications from entertainment, research, and shared media analysis. • Resolve and prevent conflicts in relationships of all kinds. • Co-create conversational media that eases social frictions and provides viable options for collaboration, income generation, and community repair. • Discover amazing synchronicities and little-known, life-altering solutions that make you stronger, healthier, and happier. How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveSong --- We all need to sing, and it's been hard. But we are finding our way, song by song. With these public media access toolsets, you may even find your way to following along. Power flow access points: Sing! • Write your songs with support from others, or collaborate with groups in our network songwriting. • Find out what your soul wants to sing, how your song must emerge, and how you can let your soul song soar. • Discover the secrets of songs you love and songs you had never heard of before. • Practice singing, harmonizing, instrumenting, and combining new musically expressive elements in community resonance. How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveSacred --- Our shared study of sacred ritual, ceremony, & concert performance brings us into an understanding of musicality that is very different than many of us were taught. Music itself is a sacred vibration; ritual itself is musical, whether or not it seems to be accompanied by music. Power flow access points: Tune to what is most sacred in your universe, and share it with others. • ... How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveFood --- Commensal musicality has long been the favorite subject of our compiling efforts at t.me/IntuitiveKitchen. Power flow access points: Eat amazing food! • ... How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveFamily --- Intuitive Family Frameworks Power flow access points: Strengthen and nourish your family relationships. • Radically improve your communications with family members and with other families. • Learn how to build solutions together that resolve seemingly impossible problems. • Coordinate family resourcing to support family members in distress or hardship. • Root thriving, healthy, happy multi-generational families in safe, inclusive communities. How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveMedia --- Broadcast Technology & Toolset Techniques Power flow access points: Make miraculous media. • ... How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/EsoEXP --- Women's groups & Men's groups Power flow access points: Anchor yourself in the context of the greater community. • ... How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/BlessTheVacuum --- Coordination behind the scenes Power flow access points: Anchor yourself in the context of the greater community. • ... How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveSocialCalendar --- You can follow our calendar updates on TeamUp. Power flow access points: Anchor yourself in the context of the greater community. • ... How can you be involved with this work? Comment in our public channel, join our public discussion group chat, and message t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica to connect with private group activities. What safeguards and protects these groups so that their work can continue to build momentum? Help us fund and organize support for survival supplies, physical recovery, and vocational rehabilitation after severe injury. Donate here: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveInclusive, 20220630-105544 . It's painful to get partway through the task and have the body fall away from it, unable to steady continued strength, unable to finish. We try to say to ourselves that it is finished, and that's why we had to stop. Maybe this is true. t.me/MaxMoRadio, 20220630-115314 These are the parts of the brain; our shared network brain, the community neurology, helps us access our own neural structures again. When we take these notes, we practice activating each portion of the brain, each set of functions that we want to be strengthened. We get to speak with the active voice of a group we're participating in, in such a way that the group's work can be brought increasingly effectively into public spaces without compromising group members' privacy. Each activated neural set strengthens the neurology around it; each few moments of practice changes the brain in a measurable, celebration-worthy way. When we keep practicing, we notice much improved daily neurological functions. t.me/IntuitiveCopy, 20220630-115643 ¿Dónde está el cuerpo? ¿Dónde comienza y dónde termina? t.me/HipHopExopolitica, 20220630-115957 Where is the body? Where does it begin, and where are the ends of it? t.me/HipHopExopolitic, 20220630-115957 It upsets me when my colleagues cannot receive acknowledgement or credit for their work. Why shouldn't they? How dare we forget them, when they work harder than anyone else to participate? How dare we forget them, when they take care of us and one another in ways no one else even thinks to do? How dare we forget them, when every ounce of their energy is dedicated to protecting even those who abandon them to torture and death? What part of this is untrue? What part of this is unreasonable? t.me/IntuitiveSocialHorror, 20220630-120606 Many argue untenability; we must then dispense with argumentation. Untenability is cognitive stress; with support, all our brains are able to recognize opportunities for stabilizing collaborations forward. "Untenable"? Is this lack of success potential something you perceive as part of your lack of accurate information? We can update your information --- really. That is going to be something. t.me/Ideaschema, 20220630-121107 These folks make me laugh and laugh. Food shortages? Are you kidding? You didn't notice the food shortages that are killing whole communities already? Is this adorable? Is that why we feel so drawn to it, unable to witness others' suffering until we've got enough of our own to really... dance... with? All the alarms going off everywhere about food shortages, but none of them have figured out that somebody's already working on food sovereignty for everybody. Hey. Hello. Hi. Hi! Yes, we're in a conversation now. Isn't that neat? We assume you'd like to also be able to eat? t.me/IntuitiveScream, 20220630-123956 We want to say the snark, but the snark never really worked. It only ever let off a little steam, and then recycled the most unpleasant feelings into even bigger iterations. Cruelty-free comedy, though... That's a different thing. t.me/IntuitiveScream, 20220630-124325 El Hip Hop ha resultado ser algo diferente para nosotros de lo que parece ser para otros. Su Hip Hop también los protege, lo notamos... pero no de la misma manera. Y no con tanto éxito. Pensamos que no podíamos hablar o escribir sobre esto. No nos atrevimos a cantar o salmodiar al respecto. Pero luego descubrimos que las comunidades sin nuestro reconocimiento de energía central no lo estaban haciendo tan bien. ¿Cuál es la energía central que estábamos reconociendo que nos protegió con tanto éxito, permitiéndonos de alguna manera permanecer en este planeta, facilitándonos de alguna manera, en medio de la violencia más terrible, hacer lo que debemos hacer? t.me/HipHopExopolitica, 20220630-125023 Hip Hop has turned out to be something different for us than it's seemed to be for others. Their Hip Hop protects them too, we notice... but not in the same way. And not as successfully. We thought we could not talk or write about this. We did not dare sing or chant about it. But then we found that communities without our core energy recognition were not doing so well. What is the core energy we were recognizing that protected us so successfully, somehow allowing us to stay on this planet, somehow facilitating us -- amidst the most terrible violence -- in doing what we must do? t.me/HipHopExopolitica, 20220630-125023 Dark Journalist is discussing the links between Ghislaine Maxwell, Belial, & Atlantis. degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/zatw.1913.33.4.295/pdf • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belial • youtu.be/lEciZpvDPl0 t.me/IntuitiveUnknown, 20220630-131405 Helllooooo Intuitive Space Show! Today's offerings are being coordinated by Intuitive Genesis Lightship Ministry Cohort and Hip Hop Exopolítica. Today we're watching Clif High, Daniel Liszt, Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen, Kurimeo Ahau, Whitney Webb, Game Of Thrones, Becoming Elizabeth, and more intriguing media projects our groups are enjoying and analyzing. With Intuitive Space, Hip Hop Exopolitic anchors our Intuitive exopolitical adventuring. Many other groups -- notably our groups of Intuitive Unknown -- have been working hard to create access points for survivors in challenging circumstances for days, months, years, or decades (depending on who you ask and when). As communications have been targeted and compromised, we have had to play fast and loose with our decision-making. We might be able to express ourselves in one space, or another, or none at all; but we are increasingly recognizing our own core energy resonance and powerful source connectivity for all of us. t.me/IntuitiveSpace, 20220630-132555 . Next heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220701_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt More heartbeats: t.me/IntuitiveInclusive/39 .