412•353•9378 grow@intuitive.community

Register to give-and-receive community support in the ways that most strengthen you —- and bring big nourishment to your community spaces.

To register to join us as part of our Intuitive community network building support structures for all members of our living communities, follow these steps:

• • • • • Reach out to Megan Elizabeth Morris through these contact details and introduce yourself.
• • • • • Subscribe to our main content stream www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network on Substack.
• • • • • Schedule a session with Megan Elizabeth Morris & find community resources at Intuitive.Social/Collab.
 • • • • • Notice that donations to Intuitive Invisibles Inc., our 508(c)(1)(a) non-profit faith-based-organization, are tax deductible.
 • • • • • If you’re able, share some of what you can at paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles — this is our Flow Fund, which friends of our network facilitate to ensure collaborative strength and crucial survival resources to support our infrastructure.
• • • • • Browse survivors’ groups’ offerings in-development at gumroad.com/IntuitivePR.
• • • • • Introduce yourself in our public community chat at t.me/CommunityIPR


Assist directly in the creation & restoration of safe, inclusive community resourcing:

• • • • • Donate to paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles
 • • • • • Purchase private access resources and more from gumroad.com/IntuitivePR
• • • • • Subscribe to
patreon.com/IntuitivePR for ongoing opportunities and updates
 • • • • • Contact t.me/maxmorris (Megan Elizabeth) via Telegram or email max@intuitive.pub to arrange additional options


What helps our Intuitive Communities the most…

…is when you and people you know spend time in our network practicing presence, communication, and respect.

You may not realize yet how powerful this can be. Every day we are glad to show you how simple solutions can emerge from seemingly impossible situations just because we made this time to practice together — to be fully present, to ensure communications inclusion, and to be certain we are respecting one another in the ways respect is most needed.

No matter what challenges you are experiencing, these steps relieve them.

Invite your friends and colleagues.

There’s room for everybody.


Learn more: www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/t/fundWhat is the Intuitive Network? • Intuitive, NetworkedVocational & Relational Recovery SupportThe Intuitive Community NetworkA Helpful Start Page