14 - 26 January 2023 (trecena Akbal). Daily Heartbeat, Intuitive Community • <3 Documentations herein compiled by Intuitive groups across this community network. These efforts are assisted, narrated, & commentated by Max M. E. Morris and the wise, brave help friends of our Intuitive Public Radio --- Intuitive.pub/radio Heartbeat entries often bear timestamps along with the public group where you can watch for associated notes and related material. Unsigned entries are contributed by and co-created with group members whose identities and physical safety we protect by ensuring accessible collective-voice public media sharing spaces. If you have questions, reach out to t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica for assistance. Previous heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20221028_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt This document originally published at intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20230114_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt. Reload this file today and days to come for newest entries. t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/66 . Hello, 20230121-075810. Such a pleasure to be with you this morning. Your zero, your seven, your five, your eight, your one, and your excellently-placed completatory zero are a wonder to me now. The text on the screen is huge. Better for the eyes, and the background has turned to a pleasant cobalt blue. Cobalt has been a discussion of late. More of that sometime later or soon. Our upcoming conversations include the topic of BEING UNCENSORED -- what is Uncensored Being? How do we BE in a way that is most FREE? Soon again we will touch on essential topics to liberate our source-connected spirits. The important work and life-honoring energies of Sol Luckman, Kelly Brogan, Kasia Urbaniak, Samantha Bailey, Wim Hof, Catherine Austin Fitts, and many more cherished, nutritive luminaries are dearly attending. I won't blanche about recent past-or-present media unfinished; all our discussions are continuous and ongoing. (Most of it happens in our private network -- have you yet been introduced? Ask t.me/maxmorris for an introduction.) When will the next public peace be released? When will the follow-up gathering be scheduled? That's entirely up to you. Here we are, together in the world. Our recent APOCALYPSE!! What to do?? broadcast was spectacular -- right before Radiostream One came down. Ouch. But we did it! And it was glorious. It is, in fact, recorded; our gratitude to Rue V (infinitely groovy) who recorded with us and ruminated upon our most miraculous collective conceivings. (If you'd like to access the recording, reach out to t.me/maxmorris & raise a joyful noise. Between us all, our best collaborative efforts will accommodate with grace and poise.) I want you to know where to find Rue's work. And I'll be able to find her details soon again -- once the WiFi modem gets turned back on. Radiostream Zero... might still be live. We took down a significant portion of Intuitive infrastructure in order to protect the core. It was painful. I cried. But our colleagues scattered across the wide world know we are still working for them, and much of our communications can still be found publicly -- https://anchor.fm/Intuitive, https://bitchute.com/IntuitivePublicTV, and of course (don't miss it) https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio. We're still going. What is the rhetoric here? What is the patter? Does it matter? ---Max, 20230121-080930 (oh timestamp-numbered blessings) https://intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/intuitive-heartbeat-being-uncensored?sd=pf . t.me/SpaceDogSchool/2248 Work out the clogs. Praise all the dogs. If it's a slog Felt a bog But the fog Was logged. And then it cleared Miracles near Never fear We're all here. What is it that needs to move in you for you to be the you you're anciently, sacredly, most-wholly-you required-to? Is it insufficient, garbled, or embarrassing? (...According to whom?) --Max, 20230121-081301 . Constantly, incessantly, we are reframing all existing conversations about money. Where populations have been traumatized and contorted around the spiky extrusions of colonial imperialist human trafficking operations (please be sensible for just a moment and put down that nightmare torture device), we say "cut off from economic participation" -- but what is that really? Whose hands do we want the money to be in? We have talked some (over and over) about the giving of money in fearful ways to avoid conflict. Those are hard conversations. We haven't enjoyed the common, painful manifestations of that. We have talked some (more and more) about the giving of money in joyful ways to support regeneration, strength, and movement. This we find to be amazing and wealth-expanding -- even when the amount of mainstream money currency we actually have may be near to nothing. The correct movements detoxify and revitalize the body. Fearfulness and conflict-aversion seem to be only temporarily useful in the midst of ongoing death fright experiences -- if even ever that. Better to face that fear and resolve it. Better to know oneself strong enough to meet and relieve the conflict. What influences you financially? Have you closely examined it? And... from what perspectives? --Max, 20230121-083905 . What human traffickers want is for you to dissociate from everything you fear, so that it can hide in the veils and gutters of your bodymind, stabbing at you from the shadows, steering you -- like an invisible, unmemorable, irreconcilable cattle prod. Don't do it. Presence your challenges. Know them intimately. Honor their fruitfulness; what they teach you is far beyond comparison with any other experience. If you find yourself pushing a thing away, consider the value of embracing it. --Max, 20230121-084155 . Reclamation Radio with Dr. Kelly Brogan Intuitive Flow & Eso EXP are enjoying this excellent new audiostream from one of our favorite mavens of the power-up sacred feminine flame. Dr. Kelly Brogan has a podcast out. Goddess vibrations are in the temple, ladies and gentlemen, neighbors and friends. All wisest wistful wanderers (and please, all others) must find an opportunity to listen. kellybroganmd.com/reclamationradio Her first two episodes are about judgments and feminism, two lively topics for stirring the heartstrings -- the name of her production company is SoulFire -- and courage-ing one's capacity for confrontation with one's own shadow banes, balms, bids, & blessings. To deeply consider what and whom you have judged (and how you might find yourself one day having changed completely) is a powerful practice Dr. Brogan describes through an enjoyable list of anecdotal mini-storytellings. I was working in the kitchen and washing vegetables during this first, especially gratifying listening experience. Hearing her leap into these challenging subjects was just what my soul-stuff needed. Food for my belly, food for my bodymind, food for my future unfoldings. Her second episode on feminism is an important collection of details about how what feminism should-have or could-have been turned out to be something of a twisted psyop many of us are finding our way through recovering from. I am among those who have been messed with by what has been called feminism ("feminism"), and what Kelly calls out -- especially in dynamics between women and men -- is crucial and important for all to be aware of as we build together new worlds we wish to see increasingly manifesting. She's done beautiful work in releasing these audios and making a great beginning to her new public platform. Her material is masterclass level even when it's not labeled "masterclass." (I and others heartily recommend you join her Vital Life Project community for especial juicy masterclassness.) kellybroganmd.com/programs Look forward to more. Support her work. Celebrate these successes with her -- and with the rest of us -- because wow, this is just what so many have been searching for. Reclamation Radio: kellybroganmd.com/reclamationradio --Max Megan Elizabeth Morris, 20230121-084728 t.me/IntuitiveFlow/2589, t.me/EsoEXP/578, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11346 https://intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/reclamation-radio-with-dr-kelly-brogan?sd=pf . Marvelous Massive Multi-Locational: Intuitive Space Travel (All Points Bulletin) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Mid-Atlantic, Great Lakes, Northeast, Parts International, The Unknown, & Vastly Far Beyond -- That's Where We're Going. (You Coming?) What time is it? The blood is rising; the body is awake. Here we are, all present. In about a half hour, I will go back to the kitchen to prepare more food. (Something that not all that long ago, I couldn't actually do. Progress continues.) We are striving daily to improve our plans and calculations for next steps in multi-locationality. We have a travel vector and a general approach. The more details we sort out, the more specific we get. We are taking tiny steps. Bit... by... bit. Some have asked if our Pennsylvania location projects are being discontinued — ABSOLUTELY NOT. Please don't fret on that account. I was born in this part of the world. The locational resources here are paramount to my sense of satisfaction and success. Wherever else I go, with frequency, I'll be back. Our work with groups in Western Pennsylvania, the greater Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic area, and Northeast IPR will continue as they have been cumulatively fomented. That is, me being alternately located for awhile (and probably on a recurring basis) will be the only difference. We have found detoxification and recovery resourcing for Survivors of Severity sorely missing from the Pennsylvania region, which to me means it's our response-ability (hat tip Johanna Botanica) to seek it out, gather it in strength, and bring it into being here where it is so needed. Our North America and t'other International locations are also continuing with no abatement. This Intuitive network has been built to maximize learning and resource-strengthening across all participating locations simultaneously. (If you or your location aren't connected yet, email max@intuitive.pub or message t.me/maxmorris.) For all those in locations we have been focusing on building worldwide, please take particular note, especially if you are in the greater Pennsylvania area or in another area without this resourcing (and as we know, gosh, there are many)... Be aware that for however long the resources for necessary detoxification and recovery from severe conditions in a particular location do not yet exist, all communities (severely affected and otherwise) are at significant risk -- indeed, all the harms and challenges you're experiencing stem directly from this. Bring your hearts, minds, skills, & care to co-create with us. The more we gather our energies together, the more our completed recovery locations can be established as swiftly as possible. All communities benefit from these collaborations. You who are reading this -- knowing the great courage it takes to follow our dispatches -- YOU are dearly needed. May this work rightly feed and strengthen you. Deep gratitude for even the smallest of donations that have been flowing in -- thank you. And to those of you who have sent more as you could -- we appreciate your support tremendously. For those who haven't yet had the chance, or would like to flow us more nourishment, here's the address: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles We are moving this thing forward. --Max Megan Elizabeth Morris, 20230121-131132 t.me/PittsburghIPR/3308, t.me/NortheastIPR/362, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11347 . BEING UNCENSORED. What can this mean? Do you even dare to think of it? Can you conceptualize a version of yourself that is uncensored, somehow free enough to express and be all that you most deeply wish to express and be? --Max Mo, 20230121-162051 . In my dream traveling early this morning, I find my sister, who has been missing a long time. In this dreaming, we sit closely and talk together. The family -- who in our waking world has ignored or blocked my attempts to find her and ascertain her safety in the midst of the sex trafficking influences we know have been active since we were babies -- can be overheard in adjacent rooms. But we are of a purpose, the two of us. There is a resonance. We know what we're about. And then I get lost in the cathedral, navigating the stairwells in upper spaces. There are so many people. --Max Mo, 20230121-165125 . 1606p CDS smallest half-ounce amount sip --20230130-161357 . Compiling ... . Compiling ... . Compiling ... . Next heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20230127_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt More heartbeats: t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/3 .