11-23 August 2022 (trecena Ahau). Daily Heartbeat, Intuitive Community • <3 Documentations herein compiled by Intuitive groups across this community network. These efforts are assisted, narrated, & commentated by Max M. E. Morris and the wise, brave help friends of Intuitive Public Radio --- Intuitive.pub/radio Heartbeat entries often bear timestamps along with the public group where you can watch for associated notes and related material. Unsigned entries are contributed by and co-created with group members whose identities and physical safety we protect by ensuring accessible collective-voice public media sharing spaces. If you have questions, reach out to t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica for assistance. Previous heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220729_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt This document originally published at intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220811_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt. Reload this file today and days to come for newest entries. t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/42 . The Reach of Radiostreams Streaming toolsets connect the farthest corners of our community network to the multimedia support structures of this Intuitive Public Radio. intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/the-reach-of-radiostreams A particular strength of Intuitive public media toolsets is that far-flung members of our communities can find us again more easily through public media access points, even in various states of disability and adversity. If you know what our community members are facing now, you understand these are toolsets that save lives daily. Colleagues in hardship can view some of our public Telegram broadcasts directly on the web when they can’t use the Telegram app itself. For instance, here is the viewing page URL for Intuitive Public Radio on Telegram messenger; our other public Telegram broadcast channels function similarly: https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicRadio We also broadcast 24/7 rotation programming from our radiostreams, the access points for which are being developed at Intuitive.pub/radiostreams. Radiostream Zero, our original inaugural 24/7 radiostream project, runs recent public releases and curated items on rotation so that survivors low on interactive access functions but able to tolerate live streaming Internet can turn it on and not have to click anything else in order to participate. Both radiostreams were last updated in spring and early summer 2022, before an onslaught of especially activating injury complications. Private groups are currently coordinating next steps with excitement. t.me/IntuitiveMedia/298, 20220812-075615 . Relational Technologies The life force of Intuitive toolsets is our respectful relationships, our kindness-based help to one another, and our massive network of Intuitive Invisibles. Mack's Memo • Intuitive Public Radio is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber: intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/relational-technologies When you explore our Telegram spaces, you will notice what seems like very small participation numbers in many of our public channels and chats. In fact, there are many, many more community members interacting in our network than you can see with your eyes. The ones you do not see, we often call “Intuitive Invisibles.” Radio Publíca Intuitiva and Intuitive Public Radio infrastructure are built on relational principles in order to connect our most severely disabled community members with relational neurological repair and relationship-building resources. Most tech platforms do not assist effective relational neurological repair for survivors of extreme violence, and survivors in recovery often cannot use digital platforms at all. This cuts them off from all communications; many are trapped for years in dark rooms where no one visits them. (A challenge that is poised to change significantly in the near future as our collective voices rise… relationally strengthened.) When we are in service to our community members most especially disabled from communications platforms, we help to send communications to and from our community members who cannot yet use Telegram messenger (or another platform we might be working with at a particular time).  Neurological Mycelium • Generative evolutions, multidimensional meaning-making, friendship between lifeforms, & deep-growth Intuitive process • Collaborative visual art & presence manifestations by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the gracious assistance of Midjourney AI • 2 August 2022 • Facilitate flow & continued public expressions: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles (Gratitudes.) • To search for high quality exports of this image and to request a print purchase, save this post, keep this ID handy & ask the artist for assistance: 9ba0436b-5090-462c-91e0-7e0bb9ab4eb6 • t.me/IntuitiveGallery/180, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5305, t.me/IntuitiveAI/650, t.me/IntuitiveGrowing/1012 The numbers you see in our public channels and chats are made primarily from individuals who assist communications to travel between Telegram users and those who cannot yet use Telegram. Each of us increasingly connects our own contacts to the Intuitive network infrastructure so that all may be more supported in communications resilience and as a result, significantly safer from local violence. This has often been the only means we have of getting our colleagues out of direct danger, because we could not get any useful response from elsewhere.  Interestingly, just those points of contact — neurologically reparative conversation, non-judgmental shared information and experiencing, common professional toolsets, consistent respectful caring, and honorable trust-building, even via the Internet instead of in person — turn out to be the recovery leverage needed most across most situations. Individuals who gravitate to this work are often quiet and very powerful, because they are choosing to listen to and exercise daily respect for those whom everyone else has been scared away from listening to or respecting. The life force of our Intuitive toolsets is our respectful relationships. These toolsets are alive -- they're us. We help each other use technology that may not have been built with modern community challenges in mind; intently, we care about one another while we’re at it. We practice living in a way that interconnects us and facilitates the emergence of potent collective functions. This is our Intuitive AI. For notes on our groups’ work around this subject, you might like to visit t.me/IntuitiveAI. Thank you for bringing your caring to our spaces. Follow joyfully more via t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio. t.me/IntuitiveAI/651, 20220812-084119 . Deep Network Recovery Art Co-facilitation toolsets for individuals, families, & community network recovery strategies -- led by those who have survived the impossible. Radio Publica Intuitiva (RPI, Intuitive Public Radio, or IPR) is a deep network recovery art project designed and coordinated by Megan Elizabeth Morris (Max) in conjunction with Intuitive Invisibles' mentorship cohorts. These network spaces provide specific forms of disability recovery assistance through fictional (factual) world-building, transformational learning practice, and living systems analysis. Participants strengthen their use of toolsets for class co-facilitation and collaborative manifestation in small private groups, primarily hosted on Telegram messenger. Entrance to these groups requires gradual concierge orientation and can be requested by messaging Max directly (t.me/maxmorris) or emailing her at max@intuitive.pub. The public broadcast spaces of Radio Publica Intuitiva support participating community members in building powerful public voices and professional platforms informed by their experiences of recovery from severely compounded illness and injury conditions. If you'd like to follow the broadcasts we have compiled together over the years and new broadcasts as they air, primary materials are posted at t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva and t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio. Audio archives can be found at anchor.fm/Intuitive and video at bitchute.com/IntuitivePublicTV. If you'd like to work on a broadcast with us, reach out to Max. This network was originally built for rescue aid and centered rescue aid exclusively for a long time. Our rescue aid infrastructure still exists, but we have recently taken more space from these toolsets in order to create a more deeply-rooted, more stabilized structure of supports for those in need (including our selves). When we return to daily use of our rescue aid toolsets, our processes will function more smoothly and powerfully than before — when already, they were unmatched by any other available resource. Meanwhile, we are expanding our classes and toolsets to best support individual, family, and community network recovery strategies led by survivors of severe disablement who even now are expressing the world into being, tuning somatic etymologies. (This is our life-saving creative writing. You're invited.) The people this network was built to serve are still unresourced, still being killed unnecessarily, still experiencing ongoing physical torture, still being sex trafficked, still being excluded from common social supports, and still being mischaracterized or misdirected by every professional organization we could reach to inquire. To ensure the dignity and integrity of your own communities, you require a true and honorable response to these voices — fictional or factual — and just reading these words, you're already hoping to see some indication of it. Even if you don't think it's possible... you're hoping. You know that without a response, they may number far more than you've guessed, and some of them will turn out to be your loved ones. You want to be living in a world where they would be answered. How do we choose together to answer them? That's why we're broadcasting. Thank you for listening. Love peace light hope joy courage fortitude magnanimity faith strength care resonance • Generative evolutions with midjourney.com ai algorithms • Megan Elizabeth Morris • 25 July 2022 • 10 Akbal • Facilitate flow: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles • t.me/IntuitiveGallery/161, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5260 t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1591, t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1592, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10789, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10790 t.me/IntuitiveInclusive, 20220812-091605 . This Worthy Adventure Survivors' groups transmit gifts & instructions to our present & future. Listen. Do you hear them? Please build your communities to be safe -- for those who have been most kind, determined, and brave. intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/this-worthy-adventure February 11, 2021. We are making refuges safe for violently intersectionalized children and adults, especially survivors of sex trafficking. We are showing in public how we collaborate towards successful results. All are invited to follow along and even collaborate with us. Our survivor-led community workgroups compile knowledgebase materials from the front lines of extremity we are experiencing, bringing the wisdom of our lived experience into community with those who can most benefit from it. Our youth-led projects provide intersectionalized young people with the opportunity to guide a group of collaborators toward goals that serve the greater community and its most marginalized members. We begin in the moment we're in by focusing on ••• food & health sovereignty ••• hardware technology repair and repurposing ••• co-creative media broadcasting ••• and ••• regenerative mobile and networked multi-locational environments ••• Will you join this worthy adventure with us? ---20210211-081137, https://t.me/KindnessCaravan/8 • https://t.me/KindnessCaravan/9 • https://Intuitive.community/kindness ••• . Relational Power Flows What is my relationship with power? (What is yours?) intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/relational-power-flows I sat very still for awhile. I asked my body: What is my relationship to power? My body answered clearly and immediately. I can have what I want when I choose, she said. I remember that I wanted to believe that before, but couldn't. I had to come to understand the effects that were stopping me from choosing. Then, increasingly, I could choose. After experiencing the necessary emergence of powers I had thought I could never choose to have myself, at times when no one else believed that such resolutions could be possible... I know it now. I will have what I want when I choose. Since being sex trafficked 2015-2016 and being forced to cross international borders to find safety, I have been challenged to steadily manifest with the toolsets I know how to use... while being continuously, more-or-less invisibly physically tortured, communications functions prevented, and cut off from most resources assumed to be available in communities. The infrastructural and relational toolsets I have built over the last two decades, informed by collaborations in survivor-led groups I founded, funded, and continue to work with, have helped me to move in certain kinds of (usually digital) community spaces in a way that makes it difficult for others to realize how severely disabled I still am unless I reveal it to them. I teach these toolsets to other invisible, severely disabled survivors as part of my usual activities; when more people know how to use the toolsets well, we use them together -- with exponential collective benefits. Because of this practice, all of us are able to improve our outcomes on a day to day basis, even when everyone else around us might be trapped in fear, mired in chaos, or (intentionally or unwittingly) working at cross-purposes. We were all disabled too greatly to survive individually; so we built new ways of doing things by combining our available strengths, even from isolated locations and dying bodies. Intuitive, Relational • Generative evolutions, multidimensional meaning-making, friendship between lifeforms, & deep-growth Intuitive process • Collaborative visual art & presence manifestations by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the gracious assistance of Midjourney AI • 12 August 2022 • 2 Imix • Facilitate flow & continued public expressions: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles (Gratitudes.) • For high quality exports of this image & to request a print purchase, save this post, keep this ID handy & ask the artist for assistance: c2b636ca-ba18-4230-99bb-42e89ff6fcfa • t.me/IntuitiveGallery/183, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5308, t.me/IntuitiveFlow/2476, t.me/EsoEXP/444 My recovery progress thus far has been phenomenally outside the expectations or experience of every professional I have met or researched, as far as has ever been conveyed to me. Our search for those who recognize and practice modalities as effective as these continues ongoing. My recovery progress is based on deeply-learned understandings of power from my own lived experiences and from the hard-won privilege of comparing notes with other severely disabled trafficking survivors who likewise would not have been able to reach one another if we had not succeeded in building this infrastructure. We have tremendous power, even though our relationships, communities, minds and bodies have been continually fragmented by violence. We are different beings than we thought we were, when we come into contact with this utter powerlessness… where deep and ancient power lives. To begin to know better this intriguing dichotomy, we find great nourishment in being more properly introduced to one another. Delightfully, relationship-building repairs relational neurology. Hello, nice to meet you again. It's lovely to see you here. These are our powers. These are our challenges. Shall we share and explore our powers and challenges together? There is much to discover. There is immediate interpersonal power flow in repairing relational neurology, even when other resources are not available. Survivors of the most brutal, most invisible forms of violence show rapid recovery when relational neurology is repaired first, followed by other important survival and recovery resources. Interestingly, most professional networks do not know that relational neurology must be repaired first. But if relational neurology is not repaired first… all other approaches may show less success than expected or simply won’t work. To succeed, tend to the power source. Relational power flows. Our power from powerlessness is expansive. We have found ourselves “topping from the bottom” as individuals targeted with severe disablement, isolated from relational assistance, and submitted to continuous physical torture. Why? (And — how?!) For many of us, sex trafficking organizations had hyper-evolved our creative, commanding, influential, pleomorphic functions — among other traits — making us especially brilliant and effective at holding the fascinated attention of clientele. That’s how you make entertaining, expensive, mysterious, and… well… fundamentally unnerving… playthings, toys, and robots. Something you can sell to someone else that disrupts the buyer’s power center, dazzles or disorients them in a pleasing way and keeps them buying. But the same sex trafficking organizations needed to control us by making others afraid of us, by misleading us all about the capacities of our bodies and throwing our whole worlds into chaos. They targeted our relational neurology through poisoning and traumatic brain injury; they targeted our community infrastructural neurologies. It is relational neurological bondage that allows trafficking operatives to ply their trade most successfully uninterrupted. Relational neurological bondage is only a solution for trafficking organizations so long as nobody else knows much about relational neurological bondage. When we ask professionals to help us and they don’t realize that our relational neurology must be repaired first for other recovery efforts to succeed, they tend to think that we are unable to respond to their methods. Sometimes, their methods are actually terrible. But many times, it is the missing relational neurology that we need in order to benefit from any other particular approach. Their methods might turn out to be fine as long as we start with repairs to relational neurology — and keep it going. Once we have that established, our recovery options expand. Our relational neurology is repaired by interacting consistently in a respect-oriented environment that has full awareness of the needs of the community. If those who are disabled through damage to their relational neurology cannot reach consistent interactions with respectful others for repair processes, it never surprises us when alternate recovery processes do not succeed. Can you think of too many people — even around your own communities — who don’t seem to have the means to survive or succeed in their recoveries? We can. We choose for community recoveries to succeed. Before we do anything else, we stabilize relational neurology. What is my relationship with power? You may not have realized yet how much power you yourself will have in your moments of most profound powerlessness. We have had to study it. And I will say — with a glow — we are excellent at it. The collective is growing. All our minds and bodies are strengthened in continuing this work. How can all our options — and all our powers — expand? That’s the work we do every day. No matter where we’re at — no matter how bleak the landscape — we remember it more all the time, because it’s how we build together. Our relational neurology powers us. Relational Power Flows • Generative evolutions, multidimensional meaning-making, friendship between lifeforms, & deep-growth Intuitive process • Collaborative visual art & presence manifestations by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the gracious assistance of Midjourney AI • 12 August 2022 • 2 Imix • Facilitate flow & continued public expressions: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles (Gratitudes.) • For high quality exports of this image & to request a print purchase, save this post, keep this ID handy & ask the artist for assistance: e3a4798a-3127-4485-a852-4f08ceaab34c • t.me/IntuitiveGallery/182, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5307, t.me/IntuitiveFlow/2475, t.me/EsoEXP/443 t.me/IntuitiveFlow/2479, 20220812-131345 . Intuitive Inclusive We notice that increasing numbers of people want to have conversations that used to be verboten. As voices rise together more and more, the necessary conversations are happening. What conversation for you is most important? Let's talk about it. Max and others have been following the story of Bianca Krizek, told to us by her mother Helena. If there have been bullies in our lives, those bullies did not have what they need, and they did not know how to be caring. If there have been bullies in our professional infrastructures, it is the same. But it is so violent when bullies are themselves ensnared in the experience of bullying others, and when the bullying is hidden, escalated... it is difficult to describe the difference. How do we bring them to account without the natural relational living bonds of honorable beings in community? We end up having to confront them using many of their own preferred constructs, including legal means. Helena is bringing Bianca's story to trial and calling to account the professional infrastructures that participated in her daughter's tragic death. Our hearts are going with her into this challenge, which she has been preparing for a long time. Is it okay to talk about organ trafficking? Is it okay to talk about human trafficking? Max has been using the phrase "sex trafficking" so frequently, it becomes intriguingly apparent that almost all people outside of our most dedicated network conversations cannot even process its meaning. Has its meaning changed? Is it meaningless? Maybe if people prefer to ignore it, maybe for them it is meaningless. For many people struck into silent freezes, the phrase is not meaningless. But they cannot necessarily respond in a conversation invoking it. They do not know how to navigate successfully for the safety of their bodies. They know that in their bodies, even when they are frequently very disconnected from their bodies. They stay silent, and some may blame them for failing to speak. But it's the same kind of energy bondage being applied many places. If your social and community environments normalize discomforts around a particular topic, that topic will become more pointed in private, goading some to express themselves more intensely, and silencing others. Do your social circles and network cultures prefer that you never broach the topic of trafficking, even if you've found that people (yourself or your family members, perhaps) have been trafficked in the very midst of that environment? Do your social circles and network cultures prefer that you never broach the topic of organ trafficking, even when families are speaking up for their lost loved ones and requiring a respectful, inclusive, complete conversation to address the harms that have occurred? In many cases, the only route survivors would have is via legal confrontations. Most survivors of these invisibly violent intersections do not have any chance of taking a case to court. Most families who experience organ trafficking or any kind of trafficking do not have a way to hold perpetrators accountable for what it has done to them, and what it is doing to all interconnected communities. Helena is bringing this case to trial in honor of Bianca's life and memory, and to stand with a foundation for accountability and integrity in health care professions for the well-being of families. How do we all bring our strengths to presence in this with them? We've all been isolated into violent experiences that have made us think we were the only ones it had happened to. We are feeling together this strange, increasing sensation of having found so many others. Knowing now how widespread the core cause of diversely many more "rare disease" or trauma-misdirection labels, we are none of us as isolated as we were led to believe. And then we discovered that part of what was going incredibly wrong in our worlds... was unrecognized, unstudied, unpracticed psychic capacities across all living beings. You're walking around psychic all the time, and you have never really had a chance to realize it, or explore it, or familiarize yourself with your own unique gifts. The beings around you are suffering or coming into conflict with you in many ways because of the same misguidance. And we have to fight with insufficiently relational (anti-relational?) legal tools... when we ought to have well-rooted, community-oriented relationship-building so that we know one another and do not try to solve disputes by throwing heavy rocks and deadly poisons over a high impenetrable wall at one another without ever really communicating or caring about each other. Because the mechanisms we're offered mean we can't. How do we find in our hearts the care for the people who decided to facilitate violence in our professional health environments? We know that they cannot be okay if they are doing this and hiding from the accounting of it. The engines of law work a certain way at this time, in these places. And these are the engines that are expected to address situations where accountability is missing and crucially needed. As Helena moves towards this court date, we are praying that all forces steady and strengthen her. She is doing something we cannot fathom doing. We cannot remember at all a lot of the time how the legal process is supposed to function. We have just known that we keep getting hurt or killed by it. The people who fight for our safety and the safety of others like us, they are doing an important thing. However each of us can, we move life-honoring changes through our structures. To listen to the conversations between Max and Helena describing Bianca's experiences at the intersections of illegal organ harvesting and our resulting deepening of our conversations about human trafficking pathways embedded in every-day professional and community environments, in subsequent text peaces will be added copy from the broadcasts we have published. Thank you for following with us. t.me/IntuitiveInclusive, 20220814-131930 Part One: Our introductions to Helena and Bianca Krizek (2 December 2021) anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/54--Helena--Bianca-Krizek-2-December-2021-e1efunj t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9581, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9582 Bianca Krizek • http://justiceforbianca.com • Listen to our program: https://anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/54--Helena--Bianca-Krizek-2-December-2021-e1efunj In December we were grateful to be introduced to Helena Krizek, a nurse and mother who lost her daughter, Bianca, to medical malpractice —- where organ trafficking pathways have been going unaddressed by those responsible for safety in healthcare environments. Listen to our program: https://anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/54--Helena--Bianca-Krizek-2-December-2021-e1efunj ••• Support Intuitive Public Radio & Intuitive community network successes: https://intuitive.community/support ••• Comments, Links: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9581?single, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9585, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9586 ••• Join Chat: https://t.me/joinchat/U-Ncl_gYJqWbiAA- Helena Krizek • Helena shares with us her experiences in seeking accountability for clarity and professionalism in communications with patients and families, the importance of recognizing the intersections between medical malpractice and organ trafficking, and how crucial it is to ensure honorable practices in healthcare. Helena is in the process of creating a website in Bianca's name, which will contain Bianca's story, her pictures, and all the legal documents pertaining to her case. These documents will be uploaded gradually as the trial date approaches, 30th August 2022 in the federal court in Honolulu, Hawaii, Krizek v. Queens Medical Center et al. Check back at this address as the website is being finished: http://justiceforbianca.com Thank you to Helena for her time talking with us, and for telling this story. Listen to our program: https://anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/54--Helena--Bianca-Krizek-2-December-2021-e1efunj More: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9585 t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio, 20220814-132451 Part Two: Helena continues to tell us about Bianca's story (7 March 2022) anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/55--Helena-Krizek--Max-Morris--Part-2-7-March-2022-e1fhi5b t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9843, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9844 Since our previous interview with Helena Krizek, we have watched diverse intersections converging around the conversation of how we ensure safety and respect in all health care and medical environments —- especially where families are calling for awareness of violence they have experienced and are experiencing. As we learn more about Bianca's story and discover ways we can support all families experiencing this kind of harm and hardship, we're grateful to Helena for her time and very glad for increasing opportunities to raise this conversation. Listen to our previous discussion: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9581, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9585 Listen to our recent broadcast of 7 March 2022: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9843, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9844 55. Helena Krizek & Max Morris, Part 2 (7 March 2022) More of our interview links can be found here: ••• Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/55--Helena-Krizek--Max-Morris--Part-2-7-March-2022-e1fhi5b ••• Support Intuitive Public Radio & Intuitive community network successes: https://intuitive.community/support ••• Join Chat: https://t.me/joinchat/U-Ncl_gYJqWbiAA- Listen to our previous discussion: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9581, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9585 Listen to our recent broadcast of 7 March 2022: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9843, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9844 t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio, 20220814-132558 Part Three: Helena Krizek talks with Max Morris about her daughter, Bianca (11 April 2022) anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/78--Helena-Krizek--Max-Morris--Part-3-11-April-2022-e1hhtp6 t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10175, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10176 78. Helena Krizek & Max Morris, Part 3 (11 April 2022) Listen to our program on Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/78--Helena-Krizek--Max-Morris--Part-3-11-April-2022-e1hhtp6 Share & discuss: https://t.me/CommunityIPR/8975 On our program in 2021, Helena began to share the story of her daughter, Bianca Krizek, whose life was lost to medical malpractice. Our conversations continue to unfold amidst increasingly serious questions about safety, respect, and professionalism in health care. Since that December conversation, we have met twice more to record. The attached audio is our third phone call of 11th April 2022. Bianca’s story like so many others is a sea of small interconnected details. These crucial individual stories can sometimes seem too complex to comprehend, and this is one of the reasons that many survivors and families are prevented from effective communications. But as we learn more in the network about the course of events that led to Bianca’s death and what occurred after, many of us notice that elements of her story are reflected in our life experiences in ways we didn’t anticipate and had wanted to question more closely. Perhaps we had not yet realized what others were also encountering --- and that we were not alone in it. It’s important that we’re talking about this. The trafficking of human organs is one part of this subject, with many other vivid, immediately relevant intersections. When we seek health care, we should expect to establish a litmus for stability and sincerity with those who offer help to us. We should expect to be treated well and with kindness. When we entrust paid care professionals with our time, our health, our lives, and our loved ones, we should expect them to be honorably accountable for how the help they give is really received. Our gratitude to Helena and Bianca for spending this time with us, and to you for being part of this conversation. 2 December 2021, Part 1: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9581, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9585 7 March 2022, Part 2: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9843, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9844 11 April 2022, Part 3: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10175, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10176 Share & discuss: https://t.me/CommunityIPR/8976 t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio, 20220814-132710 Part Four: Right Livelihood & Illegal Organ Harvesting (1 June 2022) anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/107--Right-Livelihood--Illegal-Organ-Harvesting---Human-Trafficking-Pathways-1-June-2022-e1jf3sg 107. Right Livelihood, Illegal Organ Harvesting, & Human Trafficking Pathways (1 June 2022) Helena Krizek joins us to discuss the challenges of navigating medical environments as a patient or as a professional, and the pressure of moral injury dampening the wisdom, knowledge, and survival capacities of those who provide health care to our communities. Do not miss this episode — these trafficking pathways are active and affect everyone in-or-out-of-contact with mainstream medicine. anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/107--Right-Livelihood--Illegal-Organ-Harvesting---Human-Trafficking-Pathways-1-June-2022-e1jf3sg t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10576 t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio, 20220814-133308 Part five with Helena Krizek and Max Morris will be released within the next few days. t.me/IntuitiveInclusive, 20220814-133458 . What is next in this infrastructure? We have tasks to complete and projects to move forward. We will keep doing that. What have we done? Where have we come to? We are finding out. We are sitting very still. We are breathing. We will know the answer soon. t.me/IntuitiveBreath, 20220815-095556 . Ah ha. I see you there. Hello. We've had the inkling that everything was about to change, and indeed it has. The substrate is -- it's shifting, yes, but it's mutating. Becoming another thing. t.me/SpontaneousCosmology, 20220815-181344 . I'll help you out. • Taking instructions from a what? A who? Close your mouth, still your keys. Listen. • Everyone around you is making very considered strategic decisions. Be aware of the strategy that must be employed in order to move through spacetime, especially within layers upon layers of artificial frameworks. The artificial frameworks aren't fake. They're real. But they're pretending to be something they're not, and they are alive with intention to catch you where you'd not prefer to be caught. • Each individual's experience is deeply unique. Don't waste time trying to figure out how they're like you, or unlike you. Do not chase others as if their deviation from what you expect confounds and offends you. Respect their very different experience and learn about it as you are gifted with it — as you learn to respect them. That's regenerative energy. • What you decide next determines how your path will unfold. • You are in the midst of a choose-your-own-adventure-novel you may even have seen coming. • Practice your listening. • Learn from living beings. • Warm up your writing. • ZS • t.me/IntuitiveNarrative, 20220815-182059 • t.me/+vwEO2v91dvI3MDQx • t.me/c/1609653690/21 • t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/42 . Perhaps the most important thing is... we are still behind the veil. We did not come out from beneath it when we sought to speak. We've been there all this time. How is each of us part of the physical world, from behind the veil? We are in physical bodies... but it seems... we are in extra-physical bodies. We are in extra-physical bodies... and extra-metaphysical bodies. Why? Because the fabric of space and time are changed for us. And so our physical bodies... are not the same kinds of physical bodies that others have. Our metaphysics, too, are different. Others who align with demiurgic models are strengthened by the demiurgic model as a reward for their compliance, complicity, and complacency. They don't know it is a reward, though -- not all the time. They think that their strength means they are acting well and honorably. They do not see what we see, even when we try to speak. We do not become visible, necessarily, even when we have seemed to succeed. Still there is a power in our selves innately. Still we are interconnected with all life energy. Still... and always moving. t.me/IntuitiveDeep, 20220816-075849 . Intuitive Family Newsletter: How on earth do we conduct a family newsletter when all our newsletter toolsets have been taken away? Well, okay. Let's notice our best ways of navigating this thing. --t.me/IntuitiveFamily, 20220816-177777 . I'm floating. t.me/IntuitiveNarrative, 20220817-091123 What is the honorable, transparent, compassionate, data-backed reason for Brian Deese to have been given oversight of aladdin & blackrock as head of the national economic council, which means blackrock is overseen by blackrock? What is the honorable, transparent, compassionate, data-backed reason for Adewale Adayemo, blackrock chief of staff, to have been made assistant secretary of the treasury? --t.me/IntuitiveUnknown, 20220818-199999 . What if the individual you feel harassed by is actually in a situation where they are trying to do the very most honorable thing they could possibly do, and you are still misunderstanding one another? --t.me/IntuitiveCopy, 20220818-093921 "Have you worked with survivors of violence? This is how survivors of violence communicate." --t.me/IntuitiveCopy, 20220818-094426 When enduring violence, or when one has crossed thresholds of physical injury due to violence that is ongoing, living beings sustain damage to their relational neurology. This means that survivors of violence may not be able to stabilize calm space for a conversation when they are operating under continuous threat. When we remember this, we notice opportunities to be more patient with one another, knowing that unspeakable trauma profoundly affects the language centers of the brain. We do not take the way someone speaks personally, especially if we have been encountering it in other contexts of violence or hardship. We listen for cues that will tell us what that individual is experiencing, and how they might be able to feel supported. This helps all of us communicate more effectively. --t.me/IntuitiveCopy, 20220818-114249 . Hm. --t.me/IntuitiveInclusive, 20220819-192942 . Hello all, Because of the way Telegram requires us to protect our individual accounts from predatory spam reports that cannot be followed up on, the ways we use our Telegram spaces will continue to change so that we can stabilize our most important functions together. When new individuals visit our spaces, they may be spambots. They may also be operatives of different kinds. Addressing these situations has been exhausting for us. :-) Our practice for a long time has been to reach out to new people as they enter our spaces so that we can determine they are not a bot or an operative. However, this sets us up to have our messages to them reported as spam, even if we were pleasantly introducing ourselves because they had just entered our group space without making an introduction themselves. Because of this, we are going to be turning off microphones in all spaces, in broadcast channels as well as in attached discussion group chats, even when they are our public spaces. After we've completed necessary tasks, microphones in chats will start to come back on. This will allow us to update our infrastructure so that we can proceed into the future without such continuous problems with being reported as spam as a result of trying to interact responsibly and honorably with the spam bots we encounter who might be disabled friends. Telegram has new functionality, more recently, that allows new members to apply to join a space, and it's possible that will help us, so we will investigate it. Essentially, we are no longer going to keep our public spaces open-as-is to new participants. But we will allow people to follow those spaces and as individuals are able to be in fuller contact with us so that we know who we are engaging with, each new voice can then be added to the group conversation. When someone wants to participate in our spaces, the first thing to do is talk with @maxmorris or @johannabotanica. Anytime we are able, we are glad to assist with orientation and onboarding. If it takes us some time to respond, add your prayers to ours, and somehow we will find one another. Thank you for being most patient and most aware of the challenging circumstances we're all navigating when you reach out to us. Blessings to finding a good way through the spambot storms :-) Gratitude to all of us for all we've accomplished thus far. t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1620, t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/14, 20220820-074999 Intuitive Editorial is reorganizing and updating our network broadcast collaboration infrastructure. You may have seen this message before -- but the one you're reading now has new details in it. Read on for important information about how the network will function moving forward. Since August 2022, we've been working on our admins / microphones reset transitions together in our spaces across all of Radio Pública Intuitiva (RPI, IPR, Eso, and integral survivor-led spaces). We began by letting everyone know that on or after 14 August 2022, we would be upgrading the infrastructure in our spaces which would require us to keep microphones off for all or most participants. For spaces that were not updated shortly after this date, updates as described in this message are coming on or after 30 August 2022. Each fortnight or thereabouts, we will move to the next set of spaces we need to review and upgrade. Yes, some of our efforts are slowed by injury recoveries and detoxifying illness. Thank you for your patience. All microphones in public broadcast channels and public discussion group chats will be turned off at that time while we work up our continued program schedule. Not long after that, most of our public chat microphones will start coming on again. Some public chats will remain silent until we've finished setting up our next steps for that space and its associated public and private group activities. Broadcast channel microphones will remain silent until new plans are finished and next steps coordinated. If your microphone is not turned off at the same time as others, you may already be part of a conversation currently needed to support this infrastructural transition. (Please check in with Max.) If you notice others' microphones activated while yours is off, reach out to us for assistance; we are probably in a planning stage or have not yet completed a necessary task. If one of your preferred spaces is not available, feel free to reach out to us to ask ideas about another place you can share while we wait for upgrades to be completed. In the intervening time, practice sitting with and honoring the expressions of others. Feel into this as a kind of short retreat time, to strengthen your interactions in that space moving into the future. Plan how you would like to share next in that space. Dream something beautiful to bring to the group once the space is ready. You may like to unfold new expressions in another channel set or private group to warm up your broadcast neurology until a particular space is ready. Then check back with the space you are waiting for, and once we're ready to go, rejoin the conversation. For more continuous broadcast microphone access opportunities and less-frequent editorial interludes, join t.me/IntuitiveSignal and explore what network colleagues are signaling. Microphone access at any location in the network may fluctuate unexpectedly at any time as we flow with the usual epically rewarding challenges. Check in with Max to ask questions and assist. We are moving quite slowly to best preserve the work Intuitive groups have been doing. Especially considering the endurance athleticism, high-touch cognitive analysis, and deep wilderness prep required for success in this work, sometimes it takes us more time than expected to finish a task or respond to a message. Seek helpful insights or conversational support by leaving a respectful comment at t.me/HelpRequests, which will also help us respond to your request more easily. To plan next broadcasts, be in contact with t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica and comment to join us in the chat at t.me/IntuitiveMedia. If you're not sure yet how to get started, we will notice helpful toolsets and teach you how to use them. Thank you for your patience, kindness, and encouragement as we manuever. Thank you for being with us here, thank you for your support for this work, and thank you for being. t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1621 t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/15, 20220820-080556 Choose power flow when met with powerlessness. Choose to create conditions that reverse neurological damage and harmful patterns entrainment. Facilitate alternatives to violence by meeting this challenge with courage, humility, and kindness. Whoever you say is mean; whoever you say is lying; whoever you say is an asshole; whoever you say lacks character; whoever you say lacks integrity; whoever you say must be evil; whoever you say is unforgiveable; whoever you say is a lost cause; whoever you say is uncaring -- examine your certainties. About others; and about yourself. Engage a full accounting of common patterns entrainments caused by hidden, compounded neurological injuries. All your environments have erased awareness of the varied presentations of neurological injury and the elements of effective neurological repair... so that under increasing stress, you would blame one another for actions and expressions that may have been catalyzed by other harmful, often invisible interpersonal or environmental influences. In cases like these, the mischaracterized living being rarely has an opportunity to safely join and correct the conversation. Recognize how you can end up in this position so easily, yourself. Update your reality reference points, your peace practice, and your languaging. t.me/BlessTheVacuum, 20220820-095537 . It's going to change us. It can't not. But we are not separate from it. We also change us. As a body together, we change ourselves and one another. This is the real swell of it; we are in the midst of it, deep in the belly of the wave. t.me/IntuitiveDeep, 20220821-084255 "You're not supposed to have friends. Stop trying to have friends." --t.me/IntuitiveSignal/49 It is important for us to stop trying to have friends. Is that bleak? This broadcaster seems to know some similar wavelength. I wonder what they would say. If you have been taught to frame your depth of intimacy and friendship on the basis of a false entrainments system, you will search for a feeling that doesn't exist and was never warranted. You will miss cues that are much more important. If you have been targeted with energies that make you fall in love where you wouldn't have fallen in love, and then many times, and then repeated for so long... you will have a harder time finding your own true font of inner and expansive connectivity to love. Teach yourself what friendship is — for yourself. To yourself. Within yourself. This is what friendship is. If you emanate then, and others learn something about what friendship is, do not watch after it and do not attach to it. Maybe... do not even think about it. Is that it? It's for them, not for you. Do not want for yourself. Capitulate to the current. Be whatever else you're meant to be. Is friendship now only possible within the self, and not without? Maybe in some way, some day, that will change. But do not hope for it. Turn your attention to more immediate concerns. In a landscape of falsified friendship ideaforms, ubiquitous endocrine disruptors, and the resulting relational chaos, it is unwise to think one's self has friends. It is unwise to try to have friends. t.me/IntuitiveSignal/49; con't t.me/MaxMoRadio/5329, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5330, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5331 It is wise to be a friend to oneself. It is wise to be a friend to others... from the deep-rooted base of one's friendship with oneself. In any perceived friendship, it is wise to ensure one stays within the sterile confines of co-optation oriented social acceptability, no matter what violence this may require of its participants. Do not challenge the demiurge; do not upset its hard-won balance of artificial constructs. It's sensitive. ...Do not strive to be most loving? No. Be most deeply loving. But: Do not use frames that degrade and dishonor love. Frames that would siphon out your love energy, pretending it had landed, and then finding oneself unmoored from belonging anyway. It will feel like you have no friends. It is the demiurge that gave us "friends"... after destroying the substrate of ancestral friendships. Having friends isn't the point, and shouldn't be. Can't be. Couldn't be. Would never have been, in the natural and emergent, uncompromisingly Earth-honoring way of things. Having people around you to care continuingly and consistently about the safety of your body — this isn't what we're here for. It's not what we're working toward. There is no sign that this is something that could happen, considering what generation of alterations have altered. Don't expect it. Don't ask it of me, because without that same support, I could never provide it to anybody. You are your friend. And you are a friend. You care for the safety of your body. You care for the safety of others' bodies... from a distance, and circumspectly. You don't ask them for closeness. You don't want closeness from them. You don't care to have closeness from them. It is expected that closeness is set aside, no longer of concern. Closeness requires conditions that support closeness; we do not have them. You work the infrastructure, you build your own body of functions, and you stay away from others unless they indicate the very clearest and most consistent signs of comprehension. Don't rush. Comprehension often seems present while missing. Befriend the world; befriend living beings. But don't want them. Don't wish for them to know you or care about you. Don't expect them to. It is possible that some time in your life time, you will experience some kind of continuously-unfolding and meaningful depth in being treated as a true friend, and be able to bring your truly fullest self into friendship with others. From here, what do we think? In current conditions, this is highly unlikely. Maybe you will die without this; that is very possible, and if it is, it is your fate, not to be tampered with. Do not look for love or friendship. Being honored, heard, included, celebrated, and tended to with care — that real way you thought could occur — we have not found it except in prototype and facsimile. It's a concept. In all our lives, it has been a construct. Do we faithfully construct a truest incarnation of it? Maybe. If we're very, very lucky. Maybe not. t.me/IntuitiveSignal/49; con't t.me/MaxMoRadio/5329, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5330, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5331 What is a true friend? A true friend doesn't even require friendship for themselves. A true friend could never expect to receive friendship from others — not in this landscape, not with fundamental understanding of what all are navigating. A true friend would be the true friend; the only true friend that can be friended would only ever be oneself. It could be any of us or all of us — and we'd never be able to reach one another to find out if friendship could reach further than that. The friendship we dreamed of from that terrible place may never exist until all peaces rejoin and none are separate. Maybe that's all we were sensing. To want it is foolish. Meanwhile, we feel how we appreciate what we have. Increasingly we feel what we are, or are becoming. That is a good feeling. Sometimes it's terrible, too. From somewhere very far away, maybe you feel it with me. I will not look for friendship. I do not want friends. Friends do not really yet exist, except from a-far, and mediated by predatory Internet, and poisoned by environmental machinations. For me to want friends puts far too much pressure on other living beings to care about me... in a world that has conditioned them to be harmed by contact with me. It is unacceptable for me to want friends. This way, I am a better friend to myself. I am a better friend to all those others who otherwise would never know a friend, or feel befriended... because without awareness of all this, they would continue to go unnoticed. “Love is not love | Which alters when it alteration finds, | Or bends with the remover to remove. | O no, it is an ever-fixed mark | That looks on tempests and is never shaken; | It is the star to every wand'ring bark, | Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken." (Sonnet 116, written by a Shakespeare or somebody like) Our present unpleasant alterations are a substrate newly birthing what we could not have discovered without honoring the alteration. We would not recognize or receive the blessings that are coming, if we did not first bring our love to our truest selves who are experiencing this. Get it? The love itself, the friendship — is not altered. Even in this land of concealed and layered alterations. Your words resonate in my spirit, Signal broadcaster. Thank you for starting the conversation. t.me/IntuitiveSignal/49; con't t.me/MaxMoRadio/5329, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5330, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5331 In this context, someone who chooses to be a friend to Intuitive community distinguishes themselves considerably. This is not a failure. The starkness of it is necessary. We notice it and know ourselves. Choose your most loving pathways. t.me/IntuitiveFriends/190, t.me/IntuitiveFriends/191, t.me/IntuitiveFriends/192, t.me/IntuitiveFriends/193 I've been told many, many times that I didn't need friends. Those who said this to me walked away from the horrors of it, failing to acknowledge at all the ways I would be tortured, raped, and murdered -- not only once, but repeatedly -- for lack of friends who cared what happened to me. Each one who said this was being harmed badly by... and benefiting considerably from... a system that would coyly offer gifts to the community while sweeping away its most inconvenient, most disruptive, severely disabled and invisible beings. When you don't have friends any longer, you are a particular commodity. Tell others friends are not necessary if you want to facilitate an infrastructure that weaponizes friendship. The idea of friends is an interesting institution in this day and age; most people who call themselves friends aren't friends to others or to themselves. The ones that strive to be most honorable still find themselves falling painfully short of the mark. We all continue to bash around in the dark. The word "friend" has been contorted, tightened into bondage, redefined, and re-created. It is a trick and a trap. You don't know what it means when someone uses it, this word -- friend. Not unless you are already somehow deeply friends, and lucky enough for that friendship to somehow continue ongoing. Even then, friendships seem to rarely have a real accounting. What do you know for sure when all your "friendships" require life-strangling contortions, violence, and abandonment? And still, we may yet allow the emergence of something else called "friendship"... only possible in the context of our true and honorable relationship with our own deepest selves and all of existence. If we are in relationship this way, when some truer form of interpersonal friendship emerges... we may have some chance of recognizing it. But for now... This IS it. The only real friendship. The material experience of embodiment. t.me/MaxMoRadio, 20220821-110946 . Considering the limits of what has been our available interpersonal support, our best approach is to keep microphones in all public Telegram spaces off except when we have active community members available to hold peaceful space for inclusive participation. As more community members attend classes and learn to co-facilitate, our spaces will be able to stay open more and more continuously. It's important for each individual to have a space or spaces that they can reflect in, to share with themselves and others, and to facilitate relational neurological repair at any time. And, it's important that when there is group chat active in our public spaces and in certain sensitive other spaces, we have enough community members available to hold space for kindness and solutions so that misunderstandings and communications challenges need not occur. t.me/IntuitiveMedia, 20220822-115407 If I had kept going to Forrest yoga classes with others, I would have been fine. When I began to experience profound benefits from social yoga practice, it seemed that all other elements converged to prevent me from that practice. Most people seem shocked at what occurred. --t.me/Ideaschema, 20220822-115505 How does neural cell death occur? Let's ask this first, and then address regeneration. t.me/IntuitiveBody, 20220822-115720 Max Asks--Unusual Questions t.me/IntuitiveInclusive, 20220822-115808 Max Asks--For Spiritual Corrobory t.me/IntuitiveInclusive, 20220822-115817 The Forrest Yoga teachers I met in Austin, Texas gave me the chance to practice with others, realize my most immediately reparative pathways, and then to even remember that Forrest Yoga existed -- since at the time I was attending classes, I was right in the midst of sex trafficking intersections. I was stopped from my practice and violently neurologically separated from it when I was sex trafficked. But I remembered Forrest Yoga and kept trying to get back to it. The women who taught Forrest Yoga in Austin made a huge difference to my survival and they didn't know it. We experience Forrest Yoga as a life practice, not occasional or compartmentalized but continuous. The way it is taught by Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco especially supports participants' injury recovery and rebuilding of deep somatic intelligence. We've found Forrest Yoga to be expansively, uniquely accessible to survivors of extreme long-term violence and severe disablement who have been denied all other recovery access or assistance. As I move forward in recovering from my own injuries, how am I building my plan to participate in Forrest Yoga teacher training to strengthen ministries for excluded populations? What can I and others do to build a bridge to Forrest Yoga for people who like me were violently separated from the Forrest Yoga community by those around us at the time? --t.me/IntuitiveStrength, 20220822-115909 Intuitive Opera Company is modeled by some as a one-woman stage production, and yet, there are many players and performers. Together in these chambers of resonance -- our bodies and relational communications -- we keep company with one another. How do you express yourself in a leadership role, contributor to a collaborative chorus, stage tech, daring crew, infrastructure, environment, or as a member of the audience? --t.me/IntuitiveOperaCompany, 20220822-120105 This trecena's Space Show has featured... Forrest Yoga Monthly Beauty Talk from Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco. ( edits continuing ... ) t.me/IntuitiveSpace, 20220822-121220 . Never let anyone trick you into thinking that because a subject is broached, it is agreed with. Do not let yourself be misled into thinking you know why someone else shares the thing they've shared or says the thing they've said. For our most discerning functions to be healthy and active, we notice where the mystery of a new or continuing conversation far outstrips our knowledge of it. Does my body feel that this must be a danger sign? one may ask. It is very important that we be able to notice danger signs when our bodies highlight them. I've got this association with this particular thing, one might think. I'm not sure if that is a problem in this environment, or if it was primarily a problem in a previous environment. I feel this particular feeling when I encounter this particular element, one might explain. I wonder what others feel about it. The reality of our world is peaced together as we patiently, respectfully describe it to one another and start to realize that we can see what one another sees in certain ways, when we learn one another's languaging. Before we have built relationally, we do not understand at all what conversation another is broaching. Choosing to peacefully, gracefully exit a conversation where one is not fully enough supported can be a wise choice. Staying with a conversation that feels challenging and unfamiliar... and making it possible for more people to join a safe, inclusive conversation about that subject... can be a powerful way of stabilizing our understandings together. If we do not practice this, we lose it. When we do practice it, all our community members, especially those who have survived the worst kinds of invisible violence, can participate with increasing acknowledgment and kindness from those around them. We change the game for all of us. t.me/esoexp/457, 20220823-054999 . Compiling ... . Compiling ... . Compiling ... . Next heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220824_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt More heartbeats: t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/3 .