7-15 July 2022. Daily Heartbeat, Intuitive Community • <3 Documentations herein compiled by Intuitive groups across this community network. These efforts are assisted, narrated, & commentated by Max M. E. Morris and the wise, brave help friends of Intuitive Public Radio --- Intuitive.pub/radio Unsigned heartbeat entries are contributed by group members whose identities and physical safety we protect by ensuring accessible collective-voice public media sharing spaces. If you have questions, reach out to t.me/maxmorris for assistance. Previous heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220706_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt This document originally published at intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220707_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt. Reload this file today and days to come for newest entries. t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/20 . Fell off the world fell off the world fell off the world fell off the world fell off the world t.me/IntuitiveUnknown, 20220707-140735 These five serpents came a-slithering and a-whithering and a-wisd'ming, all a-wisting for the energies of the memories borne materially through the whistling sleeking passages of ancient ancestral lineages and the wond'ring and the fears'ming and the fiercening and the fire, all a-gleam --- and no wonder, rumbling thunder, all their hearts a-lit and open eyes a-gleaming. t.me/SpontaneousCosmology, 20220707-141118 There is nothing I can say here that will do justice to what must be said. I won't try to form the words. It wastes energy. Sometimes the words flow and sometimes they don't. But then there is this feeling of something being missing. And I'm not so sure all the time that something is actually missing. The words did frequently seem extraneous. Useful, interesting, powerful, magical, lots of times. But also unnecessary. And all the times the words were indispensable, those are important stories too. If we couldn't live them and then tell them, who could know where we'd be. But when we're tired from the constant conflict, and the words that sling disappointment and despair and cruelty and the pain that must be shared, the constant daily loss of trust or of friendship or of physical safety resonance, the misuse of words to present seeming-care as an unwitting veil for compulsive destruction... it is a great relief to sink down to where words no longer have any meaning. And then I wonder what I'm still sitting at the computer for. Because I still sort of need to say something. t.me/IntuitiveCopy, 20220707-194009 And... maybe it's not meant to be said. Maybe we're already singing it. t.me/IntuitiveSong, 20220707-194250 Somewhere in this silent darkness, there was more to be brought to bear. And though it was more than we could bear, we brought it, and faithfully again, and then twenty million times, or maybe it was twenty-two. Approaching twenty-three times a-million through, we look at the wreck of authority still attempting to direct what became of its prosperity. And our breath hitches, because we recognize it. It's us, too. Each body has the experience, and may not realize the exopolitic that repeats and varies; whatever ancient fulcrum-stuff you're made of, someone else is made of it like-same-and-different. How it comes out of them is distinguished with significance from what comes out of you, and yet you have shared a nescientific catalyst. If you fail to recognize their likewise natural response to a factor beyond either your or their control, you may think them some predatory demon. And to one another, you will be predatory demons. Fight the mirror image, see if you can batter it, and -- all the better? -- shatter it to peaces. But you see -- no shattering is needed. Peace is built with patience, care, and clarity. Put down the blades, the rams, the projectile weapons. Put down the mirror shields and wipe the blood from your eyes. The war is over, and the war is over, and the war is over. This is the war and how the war ends. Peacetime. t.me/IntuitivePredator, 20220707-195831 . When I realized that I needed to eat animal proteins in order to stabilize my digestive recovery, I got stopped. I didn't want to eat animals and I didn't want to talk about eating animals. My body recognized the necessity of eating animal proteins; I could honor my body, I could care for my body. But I could not be vocal about it, because all the words all around me describing the eating of animal proteins were infected by the dishonorable circumstances we had all come up in. Animals were not being honored. Animals were being objectified, commoditized, dismissed, derided, disrespected. If we were going to take this food into our bodies, was it correct that we first abuse and mistreat it? Because I did not find the words and could not be vocal about it, my neurology could not repair my own process for meeting the body's needs. Every motion I made towards physical well-being, if it involved animal proteins, was stopped. Was there some honorable way of proceeding? t.me/IntuitivePredator, 20220708-064511 I couldn't even think of it as food. These are my friends, the body said. It isn't food if you disrespect it -- it becomes poison, it becomes a consequence. What happens if we consume our own deaths over and over again? How to restore respectfulness to flows of nourishment? Respect as part of living nutrition cannot be taken for granted; every moment, we must place it again in its honored place; in every cell, process, and breath that we are breathing. Our long-enduring construction of any courageous, crisis-conquering kitchen cohort had to include a fullest awareness of the life energy we were preserving. As we're preserving it now, we know that we succeed only because we know our friends. t.me/IntuitiveFood, 20220708-070346 It feels like violence; will it change, and feel like nourishment? There are neurons to repair. The experience shifts as we repair the neurons. Part of the hypnosis is this: You are only ever supposed to eat sugar and flour. I think about -- putting sugar in a gas tank -- and ruining it. What's that about? What happens if you put flour in a gas tank? I'm not a combustion engine. (Or... am I?) The broadest diversity of high-absorption, bio-available nutrient combinations is the melody we tune to; this commmensal musicality is plants, animals, mycelium, microbes, minerals, and countless other communities of living beings. Each one of these is a friend to me; she has her own life, she knows her own world, and our dimensions are in some way meeting; if we then consume one another, who are we consuming, and who are we becoming? Each ingredient feels a pain, and I know it can be possible to feel a joy, a gratitude. Where does it live? In us, somewhere, it is living. Eggs. Some have pale yellow yolks, limp, somnolent, and my body asks me not to eat them. Some are nutrient-full from pastured chickens' dining on bugs and rich green grass, deep orange yolks standing stiff and tall, and my body says yes -- have some of those. Not too many. Have some, and then try something else. Pectinidae, marine bivalve mollusks, saltwater clams. Can these friends be cooked in a pan? Farm butter. The knife cuts a rind, the hand and arm have muscles that have learned again to squeeze, and there is fresh lemon juice. Near the bilge-coated stove bars there's a little bag that says Thai seasoning. Are each of those friends honored, too? This buckwheat chicken-stew-porridge, lion's mane, carrots and garlic, it's for a family member -- my digestion says no, and yes, and no, and yes, and no, and yes, and no, and yes -- what is this body meant to eat? In natural balance. And none of our bodies were taught to eat in natural balance. What are these feelings I'm filled with? Not something simple like bugs and rich green grass. Something more... complex. Layers of cooptation and misinformation. My natural healthy fare is industrially processed sugar-substrate, petroleum by-products, and laboratory-built chemical constructs. And... all the meat I can mindlessly eat? A stuff of mucosal milk and cheese, cooked -- oh, ruinously -- to peak nutrient complacency? The kitchen is full of vomit, and the vomit is full of betrayal. How do we find peace of nourishment, peace of digestion again? How does one honorable predator eat clean and honorably? There's this myth we heard once -- called "salad." The violence scrambled our brains, but there weren't any eggs; there was red leaf lettuce, celery, green bell pepper, a living symbiotic culture of apple cider vinegar, a well-chosen olive oil, cracked black pepper, a little fall of ground turmeric. I could put an egg on it, or a little bit of muscle meat from a friend chicken. How do we honor one another when all is chaos and destruction? How do we find our movements to love and support our community members? When is the whole greater-than-human community part of our family? When do we care for one another most wisely? To honor the food that is manifest is the most important part, because to waste one another's sacrifice compounds the pain. And to honor the bodies that have been harmed by lies and poisonings, to refuse to force foods upon them, to come to a new recognition of relationship with one another, that is even better. And it is all hard, and it is all painful, and it is a very fresh thing, now, to choose to come to know one another. What can I eat when all violence has been rooted to the act of eating? How do we find kindness, patience, and presence again? Without starving? t.me/IntuitiveKitchen, 20220708-074236 It's suicide, the sugar. The substrates. The nutrient-stripped commodities; the body knows what real food is. Or knew, at least. When our bodies choose this now, something else is happening. It is a kind of hedonistic abandon, and not the kind we thought we'd educated ourselves about; our bodies knew some previous time when the choice of nutrients was sacrosanct. We choose nutrients to absorb the energy of friends into our physical bodies; we choose nutrients to honor those who came before us; we choose nutrients that strengthen the life of the body; we recognize all contributions to the strength of the life of the body. But this sugar, this substrate, these rivers of denatured milks, chemical-sweetened beverages, each convenient marketing-pitch additive -- this isn't a choice the body makes from love. We've been acculturated to believe it to be love -- or else. We never knew or could verbalize the benefits beyond that marketing pitch. Like taking up the profferred money currencies of the authorities who menace us with smooth-talk bullying, taking up the food we're offered is a function of the abuse we've been put to. This can take some time... and work... to remember. t.me/PreventSuicide, 20220708-075946 Thank you to our Intuitive friends who have been gifting resources to survivors' groups in this community network. (For more information, see Intuitive.community/support & paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles.) Gratitudes deepen our commitment to success, and we feel deep gratitude for the ways we are succeeding. Today we are benefiting from gifted astrological data resourcing, gifted kitchen & nutritional supplies, gifted disability recovery aid devices, gifted administrative & secretarial assistance, gifted language translation & bridging, gifted music co-creation, gifted media access, gifted audio-visual support, gifted conversational kindness, gifted theater & performance practice, gifted informational analysis, gifted elder care, gifted learning materials, gifted gardening expertise, gifted herbal relief, gifted health research collaboration, and much more. Many people have been taught that survivors' needs are impossible to meet, but nearly all of these resources have been gifted to severely disabled survivors' groups from other severely affected survivors and community members in extreme hardship. Should we have abandoned one another instead? Gifts received, lives saved. If you come close enough to see it, it shocks you. Then you begin to realize that if this is actually happening, it means that your "impossible" needs can be met, too. The ways we take care of one another are profound. You can join us in these endeavors -- whatever it is you wish to share, whatever it is you seek to find -- by reaching out to us at Intuitive.community/support, following t.me/HelpRequests, and sharing this public message widely. You can come back from experiences you thought would destroy you. There is a light the community holds for every interconnected living being. Together we recover what was lost because we tend that flame. Our challenges have gotten bigger, messier, meaner maybe. But this light is burning stronger every day, just the same. It's because of all of you. You know that, right? Thank you for playing this very great gifting game. t.me/IntuitiveSocialGiving, 20220708-080306 It's going to be omelets and soft steamed eggs. Maybe some firmer steamed eggs too. There's still some Pectinidae frozen, I can defrost and pray with them. When safe foods are scarce but perils a-plenty, how do we choose? We think most clearly when communicating. Stew-porridge in the one bowl. What goes in the other? And what portions? In what order? t.me/IntuitiveKitchen, 20220708-084042 All these other attempts to reinstate social digestive infrastructure -- they've been predatorily recategorized to prevent social digestion. t.me/IntuitiveKitchen, 20220708-084212 How do we find the ways we are most brave? There is action that can be manifest in the remotest depths of every particle that makes up a body, whether or not that body seems to be moving. The active principle of material can be awake and humming with energy that is itself a complete stillness, an inherent vibration. What does this active principle know? How does this active principle feel, to be itself, to be alive? t.me/IntuitiveAction, 20220708-084847 Remember the other day... that subject of holy-days? We've been talking through this together across group spaces. It's not so much that we want to say, here is the holy-day... It's that we want to give one another the privilege of saying, I remember this holy-day. It happened here -- it happened when I was there -- it happened when I noticed it happening. And I didn't notice it had happened until it had long passed. And do you remember this particular? That was the beginning. That was part of what formed the network, and we didn't even know it... ...until we were suddenly having THIS conversation. t.me/IntuitiveSocialCalendar, 20220708-104750 . Two chickens lived, and then their livers et, I also lived. These chickens cared for my family, strengthened and blessed us. Blessings to chickens and all chicken descendants. Blessings honored chicken ancestors. Blessings safety and thriving, blessings abundance, blessings relief and enjoyment, blessings nourishment, blessings successes for all chickens and all friends of chickens. t.me/IntuitivePredator, 20220709-110651 2 egg omelet with 4-5 vegetables; farm butter, green onions, enochi mushrooms, broccolini, turmeric kraut, rainbow carrots, carrot greens, alfalfa sprouts, jamaican seasoning, cracked black pepper, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, walnuts Chicken vegetable buckwheat stew porridge; garlic, green onions, sweet potato, shiitake mushrooms, lion’s mane mushrooms, farm butter, turmeric kraut, rainbow carrots, carrot greens, alfalfa sprouts, cracked black pepper, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, walnuts 2 soft steamed eggs, macadamia nuts Chicken livers, omelet with broccolini, green onions, & shiitake mushrooms in farm butter, ras el hanout with extra ground turmeric, rainbow carrots, carrot greens, turmeric kraut, cracked black pepper, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, pine nuts 1 soft steamed egg, macadamia nuts, almond butter, goji berries, blackberries, celery t.me/IntuitiveKitchen, 20220709-163521 It's absolutely jarring to me how much it was happening then, and I had forgotten, and then I remembered it again, or was reminded, and then I had forgotten again, and perhaps a thousand other times. Why is it this I'm forgetting? It seems conspicuously sensitive, doesn't it? The sense of the sensitivity is toward dissipating and repairing the layers of sensitization... without which dissipation and repair, sensitivities become life-threatening. 9 July 2013, community dialogues were brewing. But where were they brewing? In the corners, in the intuitive crevices, the folds of heart muscle, the synapses, the soles of the feet, the ground of the gut, there was energy moving and expanding. We were catching fire with it, soaked in the ocean of meaningful work, stretching our toes down deep in the wet rich soil of the earth. What was it we were filling with? The feeling of being alive and capable, even amidst terrible adversities. Breathing the poisoned air, transmuting it with will and kindness. We were asking questions about objective truth. We were saying, if Zen is not anathema to science, why is Sheldrake? We were asking questions about business and information infrastructure and honorable relationality. We were moving proactively into community spaces to repair damaged environments and help people support one another more directly. We had been recognizing the toxicity of the middle-men making-money-by-getting-in-the-way; but we didn't just want to get rid of the middle-men. We wanted to help the middle-men, too, because how could they find a place of balance and self-realization without a community who cared for them? All of us need the living community; none of us survives cut off from it. Every one of us is vulnerable to trafficking co-optation for so long as the living community is allowed to disintegrate. We didn't see all the pathways we didn't see, but we were working hard to address the ones we'd noticed. Our Gift & Gratitude projects began to get off the ground. It was clear that people needed to feel cared for in these ways... that pushback was almost always categorically about fear of unknowns, or the need to justify one's prior investments. When we got in balance in a space and included those whose voices elsewhere were smashed, we found out that giving one another help, gifts, and privileges made a huge difference to the every-day "unresolvable" problems people thought they'd always have to deal with. Trafficking influences change your environment so that you believe the hell is incontrovertible; then with their scads of money and colonial-imperialist wealth-sequestering, trafficking influences sell you the easiest, most saleable solutions. They tell you it was the only choice that could be made -- and you, your own self, were one of the very few smart enough to make it. Tricked into repeating your own pain on yourself and others, over and over again... for the same reasons people get stuck in abusive intimate relationships. What support do you need in order to leave your abusive relationship? t.me/Ideaschema, 20220709-171218 . 10 July 2022, 8 Star Garden Ripening & Revitalizing Resourcing with... • Intuitive Breath & Intuitive Strength • Forrest Yoga, Beauty Circle 01 Q&A with Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco • Care Magic Ground Crew Training Practice • Intuitive Food & the Intuitive Kitchen Cohort • DeChant Family Community Kitchen • More Is Meadow Musical Medicinal • Intuitive Space Show • The Pittsburgh Permaculture Project • Intuitive Inclusive • ... • ... • ... t.me/PittsburghIPR, 20220710-182550 You, too, can write what you know of a particular group. Who is there who wants to speak, but cannot put their voice to it? How can you help them raise their own most important parts of the conversation -- most honorably? (How do we even begin to understand what that means?) (By practicing.) t.me/IntuitiveCopy, 20220710-191035 Our strength is where our attention and breath are sent. If we feel a weakness, that place needs our attention and breath. If we feel like we cannot attend, cannot breathe, we restore these firstly. Then we find more options and opportunities for relief. t.me/IntuitiveStrength, 20220710-195312 . Doc: docs.google.com/document/d/1MD9fqDNFO065sqjUwtMq340r4qCZArhVtb2NcdSmiFs; More Is Meadow Meal & Music Medicines, Meal Menus + Ambient Commensal Musicalities. t.me/IntuitiveKitchen, 20220711-111511 Doc: docs.google.com/document/d/1Xyuzbsb-Vks36vyW1-D-CJH1LwYgQVRubASIeCUYSJA; More Is Meadow Itemizations, Purchases & Common Task Requests. t.me/IntuitiveSupply & t.me/IntuitiveDispatch, 20220711-111546 toilet cracked and flooding bathroom floor bathroom emergencies & life-threatening episodes kitchen contamination crises ongoing oven broken, usually will not heat up to temp tree branch broken / hanging, for safety, tree doctor job security technology installation assistance physical household repair assistance safe food supply support & access safe transportation assistance facilitate flow fund: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles & find more at: Intuitive.community/support t.me/IntuitiveSignal/19, 20220711-112333 What point will it be, do you think, where you will find yourself... when you realize what it means that communities tithe their damaged and dying to the local human trafficking operations? t.me/IntuitiveSocialHorror, 20220711-114549 Are you numb and oblivious to the extreme violence in your midst? If you were, would you notice? t.me/IntuitiveTraffic, 20220711-114637 . Stop them from eating, and from eating together. Stop them from eliminating toxins from their bodies. Stop their movement and mobility. Stop them feeling good. Then they'll do what you say. t.me/DarkMatterMemo, 20220713-122631 What's with the involuntary cyborgization of the planetary organism? That's sort of interesting. t.me/IntuitiveAI, 20220713-123220 "Space by its nature requires a huge amount of cooperation. There's been surprising cooperation in space because one of the things they learned early was the lack of cooperation killed everybody." --- Catherine Austin Fitts t.me/IntuitiveSpace, 20220713-123522 "If someone is not responding the way you would like, either stop engaging with them, or redouble your efforts to support their physical safety -- and assume they won't be able to respond until they have the support that is needed. We know it would be fruitless to try to achieve communications repair using expressions of fear and pain in a situation where fear and pain are already damaging or preventing communications." "Then how do I be with my pain and fear? Should it destroy me? Can it go somewhere?" "Send it into the earth, feed it to the good ones who eat it, because they regenerate ambient solutions. The earth helps your body learn to transmute it. She is always helping even when it's hard for you to notice. "Pain and fear is a signal. Each kind of information can be reinterpretted in new ways. We were trained to interpret a signal the one way. We can retrain ourselves to interpret the same signal a different way." "I'm being physically harmed. It won't stop and I don't know how to make it stop." "That's why we keep talking about it and caring about one another." "But then we can't talk about it because communications are broken." "We repair them by being patient." "...And bringing pain and fear to one another can cross a threshold of compounding the physical damage, further preventing necessary repair by any vector." "What if it will kill me, and other people will not know?" "We can practice together. I volunteer and coordinate in a network of severely disabled survivors of violence, where I and others do not have enough physical survival needs met to protect ourselves from experiences of extreme, ongoing physical torture. Today, I don't know if my body can stay on the planet. I've made this list to refer back to, so that I can show others what means of support are most helpful to me on a day I may die. Thank you for sharing this message and doing what you can do flow nourishment and strength my way. Please also learn more about our network infrastructure -- because without support for that infrastructure, I would not be able to tell you what is happening, even in this small way. Blessings and fulfillment to your day." "I sound like an asshole if I say that." "Why?" "It sounds rude, like I don't care if I die, or I don't think someone else will care if I die, or I'm being so polite, I'm erasing what's really happening." "It might be helpful for us to add to your public support requests list and say, 'Would you like to understand more about the physical injuries I am sustaining day to day? Click here to read a message others helped me finish, describing the more challenging details of my intersections.' It's an opt-in; if an individual can't physically be with those details, they won't click, but someone who has the strength and wants to understand better to provide more effective assistance will." "I volunteer and coordinate in a network of severely disabled survivors of violence, where I and others do not have enough physical survival needs met to protect ourselves from experiences of extreme, ongoing physical torture. Today, I don't know if my body can stay on the planet. I've made this list to refer back to, so that I can show others what means of support are most helpful to me on a day I may die. Thank you for sharing this message and doing what you can do flow nourishment and strength my way. Please also learn more about our network infrastructure -- because without support for that infrastructure, I would not be able to tell you what is happening, even in this small way." "There are a lot of ways we can say it. The more we think of new ways to say it, the better we will be at remembering how to do this in a painful crisis situation." "I need help. I have this list. Can you help me?" "If they can't, it doesn't matter how they say it or what they do or don't do. They couldn't help. I forgive them for it and go directly to the next survival leverage opportunity." "If they can, I will be glad. If they can't, it's okay, even if they say it in a horrible way or don't respond at all. Because it might not have been in their control, and there are too many vectors by which they would never have allowed it or done that on purpose. If they can, I will have asked." "It becomes a fast sort. Is the help available, yes or no? If no, let's forgive one another immediately, no matter what happened. If yes, let's celebrate that small win and present a helpful opt-in." "When the help has not been available, when the help has been denied, when it has been obscured, or gaslighted against, we have had to face terrible betrayals -- and then others doubling down on those betrayals because they are are so certain that no such betrayal is occurring. It is not any of us betraying any other of us. It is the human trafficking infrastructure commercially embedded in all our environments." "I never betrayed you, and I knew it. And you never betrayed me." "Our most important job is to reestablish the ambient community infrastructure that ensures that individual bodies can remember it." t.me/IntuitiveFriends, 20220713-130524 . Crocodile mama. 13 Ben, Skywalker, Reed. t.me/SpontaneousCosmology, 20220715-100142 Experiencing interpersonal communications challenges? More and more people are; it's not likely to abate so long as we let human traffickers run the show. Trafficking entrainment technologies injure relational neurological structures -- your relational neurological structures, and those of the beings all around you. Since trafficking entrainment tech (neurologically damaging infrastructure) is invisibly embedded across nearly all environments, you'll have more and more trouble communicating in simple ways with the people around you unless you prioritize neurologically reparative communications infrastructure. We prioritize neurologically reparative communications infrastructure by practicing Intuitive community media toolsets. What is one toolset we can use to improve communications? Well, let's see. If we're experiencing interpersonal communications challenges... ...we make an expression compartment. It's a great relief to have a place to put our expressions, especially a place where we know our expressions will be cared about and honored. There are many kinds of expressions, and many kinds of healing that can happen as a result of honorably contacting the body's experience and fulfilling its desire for expression. If you have intense energy, work with it by expressing it artfully as yourself - for yourself - to yourself - and as the world, in the world body, to the world body that is you. Be gentle with others, yes -- but especially, be gentle with yourself. Your body deserves support for what it has survived, built, endured, manifested, facilitated, and strengthened even in the midst of physical torture. Being most gentle with yourself will always help you be more gentle with others, too. When in states of pain and distress, the expression compartment is especially helpful. We practice so that we will not not point intense pain energies at individuals, even out of love. This energy is much more powerful than we have been led to believe. If we point it at one another, it disables bodies and communications. When pain intensity is directed at individuals, effective responses are rarely achieved. To optimize response potential and successful communications, energy must be flowing gently enough to make contact, and the organism receiving communications must feel physically safe enough to divert physical energy to most accurately process the information and tune to the sender to be able to understand that contact. Your expression compartment may be anonymous, or may be credited to you -- your choice. Whether it is anonymous or otherwise, we can help you make sure that enough network communications components are included so that your expression can be shared more extensively around the network and help to flow resources and assistance back to you. Ask colleagues you trust if there are any other components you could include in your expression compartment that will help responses flow back to you. If you're still working toward a public media voice and feel most comfortable practicing these toolsets privately, you can share your expression compartment privately, and ask for it to be reshared only privately. Or, you can share publicly right away. When you do, know that as soon as you post to a public broadcast channel, community members will immediately begin resharing your post to other places they think might be able to help or benefit from that contact. If you're not sure where to publish, ask for a microphone in our channel set for Intuitive Signal, where we are coordinating space for ongoing collective and individual voices to be most freely expressed while we are curating scheduled content in other public broadcast channels. Increasingly and as we get more content flowing through, Intuitive Signal will show us a lot of the landscape of what is happening across the network, as New Reel IPR has done previously for our journalytics and private blogging projects while it was especially active. If you'd like to practice making different kinds of expression compartments, consider joining our play practice chat, accessible from t.me/IntuitiveSocialTheater. If you'd like to chat about how we make text communications together, you might find kindred spirits at t.me/IntuitiveCopy. If you'd like to learn more about Intuitive media toolsets, join us in chat at t.me/IntuitiveMedia. t.me/IntuitiveSignal, 20220715-110034 . Next heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220716_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt More heartbeats: t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/3 .